
All that matters

Avacyn ♥


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 10:11 PM

The way Avacyn looked at him with that smile on her lips, the way her onyx eyes shimmered with true love as they held one another's gazes, the way she touched him and held onto him with her body laid across his own and her paws looped around his neck, it all worked to make Saracyn feel truly and emphatically loved and valued. While his perfect twin pulled herself up the length of his body to lay more comfortably and hold herself up over him, the rogue prince simply laid on his back and gazed up into her beautiful features, captivated by her beauty and haunted by her presence. Avacyn was his everything—his beginning and his end, his alpha and his omega, his peak and his valley. She was all that mattered in his life. Nothing else, just her. Just like her, Saracyn had known in his heart that when the time came for him to learn and explore the world of carnal pleasures their mother had taught them about and their Uncle Deimos had regaled him with, he knew he wanted to explore it with Avacyn. She was the only one he cared for and trusted enough to be this vulnerable around, to be able to make mistakes with and learn with as they went along. That's what they had done tonight, and it had been so, so perfect...

Avacyn affirmed her love for him as well, gracing his chin with a tender lick that coaxed a quiet murr from the larger brute. He lost himself in her eyes all the while, her soft feline paws combing through his thick fur and stroking his sensitive white-tipped ears making his heavy lids flutter over hazy euphoric eyes. A small smile filled with content warmth played on his lips when Ava reaffirmed how much she loved him and implored him to never forget that. Sara lifted a giant paw to gently caress Ava's cheek, following the curve of her jaw down the side of her slender neck. "I know..." He leaned his snout up to meet her muzzle halfway and press a kiss back to her lips. "I'm sorry..." It was a rarity for Saracyn to ever admit fault to anything, and an even greater rarity for him to apologize for it. He knew lashing out at Avacyn had been a mistake when all she'd ever done was make his life worth living, and for that he felt great shame in his loss of control, exhibited by the way his ears folded back to his head while he apologized.

For a while the twin lovers laid there in the rocky alcove by the sea beneath the starry heavens, losing themselves in one another. Saracyn's paws roamed with unabashed freedom over Avacyn's body, exploring every inch of her he could reach. The prince worshipped his princess with his touch, following every curve, every dip, every plane of her while he drowned in her ebony eyes, their matching markings glowing in perfect harmony to the beat of their hearts. Just as Saracyn's large paw was beginning to roam lower to rub over the curve of her shapely rump, Ava's question made him stop just as her waist, peering up at her while she elucidated her curiosity. The answer he had was an easy one, and one he thought about often. "I want you, Ava," he replied, sitting up just enough to run his tongue in a slow lick to the end of her violet chin before settling on his back beneath her again. "If there were no rules, no laws, no expectations, I would take you as my soulmate, be your husband and king consort. I would be proudly by your side every day while you led our family and sleep with you safe in my arms every night. I would sire as many litters with you as you wanted, and I would watch our family grow every year like how mother and father do now." Gazing up at her as if she were the most perfect and valuable thing in the world, Sara lifted his other paw to return to her cheek once more, stroking up along the edge of her ear with an adoring smirk. "If this was a perfect world, I would be your Commander, my Matriarch. That's the only thing I've ever wanted."

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
