
All that matters

Avacyn ♥



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 12:19 AM

Avacyn returned his kiss and smiled gently as he apologized for doubting her love for him, leaning into his touch as he caressed her cheek. "I'm sorry too..." she said quietly in return, vocalizing the apology she had given him in their kiss. With the pressure that was constantly on her she felt like she had no choice but to be dutiful and focused on the path that had been set for her and it made it difficult for her to think of much else. Even though the solution their mother offered had felt like the most balanced option at the time, it shouldn't have come at the expense of her twin's happiness. It had been impossible for either of them to see that at the time, but in the clarity they had now it was easier to find their way back to the understanding they had in one another.

As she posed the question of what he really wanted, she tried her best to just take in his ideal vision for his future so that she could try to find a way to give him as much of that as she could—despite how his wandering paws were currently distracting her and pulling her mind to other things. Somehow, despite the unwavering love and focus he had for her, she still hadn't been expecting the answer he gave. Wanting her didn't come as a shock, but the extent of which still caught her off guard and made her heart skip a beat as he described his perfect future with her if there were no laws and no expectations to hold them back from it. Her soulmate, her husband, her protector, the father of her children, the Commander to her Matriarch... He wanted all of her and nothing less. The part of her that was so deeply and unequivocally in love with him soared, this beautiful vision for their future together bringing a soft, loving smile to her lips as she leaned her head into his touch. The same part of her ached and mourned because she knew it could never be. She closed her eyes and caught his paw with her own on his cheek, giving his paw a gentle squeeze as she fought against the lump that tried to form in her throat as the two sides of herself fought with one another.

"I wish I could give that to you," she whispered after a moment as she opened her eyes again, a sadness and a longing in her deep, fathomless gaze. "I deeply, truly wish I could make all of your dreams come true, Saracyn. I would love to live that life with you." The reality of things was far more difficult, but she wanted to give him as close to that perfect world as she could. Releasing his paw, she slipped her forelegs around his neck again, leaning her muzzle down to his to press a tender kiss to his lips. "There are laws, there are expectations... and every single one of them rests on me." There was a heaviness almost looked like it was physically resting on her shoulders while she ran through the well versed laws and rules in her mind, picking through them all and trying to see where she had to draw the line. There were some things she could easily give him and some things she couldn't, but she didn't know if it would be enough for him to be happy. "If I can give you parts of that dream... As much of it as I can possibly give you... would that be enough?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"