
Phantom Menace

totally wasn't watching star wars, nope!



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-28-2022, 11:04 AM

Manea hummed softly with interest as he explained how before this he had roamed with a pack of rouges, explaining a bit why the name of the pack didn't matter much to him. She supposed she could appreciate that logic. As much as she agreed with the opinion of her husband that it was likely for the best that they hadn't pulled much attention to them for many reasons, she was still the kind of wolf that wanted to know all of the details of something before she dove into it. Ifrit did not seem to be of that mind set which wasn't a bad thing, per say, just something she took note of. Ifrit went on to explain how the band he had spent time with had raided for supplies when needed for things that they couldn't get themselves otherwise. She nodded quietly, taking in what he was saying while she continued to size him up, deciding quietly if he would be a good fit for their pack. She had made Elysium as a safe haven for all sorts of wolves so there was certainly no reason that he couldn't make a home here, but it was always a difficult decision for an alpha to vet someone from one meeting.

Eventually he got to listing his specialties, listing stealthy attacks and sabotage which she assumed were skills gained during his time with the raiding rouges. She smirked a little as he rightly guessed that she had a hard time imagining him doing such tasks with his impressive size, but she had long learned not to judge a book by its cover. The answer to her husband's question of where he had come from intrigued her though. He had been born in Boreas, more specifically the northern regions past The Wall. She raised a brow inquisitively at that, connecting a few dots with guesses and assumptions. Of course she couldn't assume that everyone that came from the north around the time that she imagined Ifrit would have been there had been a part of the fallen pack she had attempted to claim, but it seemed like a strong coincidence at the very least.

Manea paused for a moment, assessing him for a beat longer and sharing a glance with Alastor before she rose to her paws and nodded for him to follow. "Alright. If you're truly interested in being a member of our pack then I see no reason for you to not join us." She waited for him to cross over the border before she began to walk across the open, rock-dotted field with their newest member on one side and Alastor on the other. "The majority of our members make their home on the island in the mountain caves, but you're welcome to make your den wherever you please. We own this area in the Rock Garden as well as the near by Firefly Lake as well," she explained as they walked. "Our list of laws is short, but firm. If you cause trouble for yourself then you will have to take the consequences for your actions. The pack and I will not hide or defend you. Everyone is expected to pull their weight and you will earn ranks in this pack based on your skill and the work you put into yourself. The more work you put in, the more you will benefit. If you ever decide you wish to father a litter and want those pups to be a member of Elysium then you simply need to get my approval to make sure we can sustain them. Simple." She gave him a curious look as they neared the land bridge that would bring them to the island. "Any questions?"

"Manea Mendacium"