
All that matters

Avacyn ♥


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 11:19 AM

All the while Avacyn continued to ponder on their situation and plot a potential solution for them, Saracyn watched her brilliant mind at work and waited with bated breath. She seemed beyond relieved when he agreed that he could live with having most of her if his only other alternative was giving her up in entirety, so at least she no longer seemed so stressed and worried over that. Now just came the question of how much they could tether their lives together. After some time, Avacyn began to speak again, explaining in soft, calming lyrics what was and was not possible for them to have. Much to his disappointment, the possibility of him siring children with her was adamantly off the table. He had known in the pit of his heart that that wish had been his most strenuous reach. They both knew the risks breeding between siblings bore, their mother had warned them of the dangers it posed and why it was strictly forbidden within Mendacium law. Sara did not fault his sister for drawing a hard line where she did, but it did wound him to know he would never be the one to give Ava the greatest gift a Mendacium could receive from their partner, and the plaintive frown on his face showed that. Deep in his heart, he also wanted to believe that the Ancients wouldn't permit their powerful souls to create abominations from a union, but he could understand her trepidation to put their faith to the test.

Otherwise, Avacyn made many concessions to grant him as much of his desires as she could. Saracyn listened with a pensive expression while she detailed what she could do for him and for their love. She could love him and only him, she could change the rules of the Commander rank so it would fit his place in her life. He would not be her mate in the public eye, but they could share the marriage ceremony together in private and bind their souls together for eternity. She would maintain her figurehead husband for the necessities he could not perform, but in all other regards he would be hers and she would be his. Sara looked at Ava with an astonished visage. She was willing to break the law forbidding them from binding their souls together for him. For the staunchly lawful Avacyn, this was a major transgression, one she was willing to take for their love and his happiness. Saracyn hadn't given a damn about any of their laws, but seeing his duteous twin offer the same took him aback. Then she asked if this would be enough to make him happy to live with her. To be honest, it was difficult for Saracyn to think very deeply with her claws combing through his fur and scritching at his neck, but he muddled through somehow.

A slow inhale and heavy sigh left the brute while he considered the offer, looking up at Ava atop of him with a contemplative expression. It was all for show, of course; he had already made up his mind when she'd shown him she was willing to break the law and take him as her soulmate. Saracyn's paw continued to stroke over Ava's cheeks while he weighed his options. Then he gave her his answer when he lifted his head and guided her muzzle down to meet his in a long, loving kiss. Would it be enough? No, never enough... but it was enough for him to live with and be content. A part of him would always long for the forbidden fruit he wasn't permitted to have, but if denying some meant losing all, he wasn't fool enough to dig in his heels. "I can be content with that," he whispered against her lips when their mouths parted, his marking glowing a little brighter as his heart rate increased. "I get to be your mate wholly when we're in private though. I won't be your mate in public, but when we're away from the eyes of the world, I don't want to be treated like your whore. I want to be the brute you love and I want your husband to know where he stands. I want to den with you, sleep with you in my arms every night and wake you up with kisses and breakfast each morning. I want to live the life we want whenever we can. If the albino isn't happy with this arrangement, then we can find you another." Now it was Avacyn's turn. He could begrudgingly accept the limitations she was giving to him. Would she accept the conditions he desired as well?

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
