
All that matters

Avacyn ♥



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 03:47 PM

She could see the shock he wore when she agreed to go through the ceremony to bind their souls together with him and in a way she was glad that he understood the exception she was making for him. She couldn't give him the greatest gift that a Mendacium wolf could give their partner with the hard line she was forced to draw on bearing his children, but she could forgive herself this one transgression against their laws to give him all of her in every other way. Knowingly and willingly breaking a law as serious as that one wasn't a small task for her, but for Saracyn it was worth it. The other concessions she made her easier to make. She could form Elysium into whatever she wanted it to be once it was hers so changing and molding the ranks to fit her needs was an easy task and she didn't mind having someone else to sire her pups for the duty of continuing on their line as was expected of her. She knew those things wouldn't give Saracyn what he really wanted, but making him her mate in every way that truly mattered to the Mendacium wolves would.

She waited while he seemed to contemplate and consider what she offered him, her head tilting into his touch while she waited with an anxious knot in her stomach. If he didn't agree she could risk loosing him from her life entirely and those were stakes that she feared the most. Her nervousness proved unnecessary though and as he agreed that he could be content with her offer to him she felt a weight lift off of her shoulders and her features softened with a loving smile, her tail wagging gently as her heart skipped with relief and happiness now that her deepest worries were no more. He gave conditions of his own, saying that they would live as mates when they were out of the public eye and that at night he would be the one she slept with, stating that her husband would need to know his place in their arrangement. She gave him a bit of a warning glare when he referred to Albion as the 'albino', but regardless she could give him this. It was already a lot to ask of her love to have him keep their devotion to one another a secret. If she could give him at least a piece of a normal relationship then she would. "I agree," she said, smirking a little as she lifted one of her paws to playfully tap him on the nose. "You can not keep referring to Albion as the 'albino' or any other name you come up with. Regardless of his place within it, he is still going to be a piece of our family in one way or another and I will not have you constantly belittling him. Understood?"

She chuckled softly, leaning down to give him another kiss. "I will talk to Albion myself and make sure he is willing to agree to this arrangement as well." In a way she did feel guilty that she couldn't offer Albion a true, loving marriage, but she couldn't control her heart and what it was drawn to. Any relationship she would have tried to have outside of her relationship with Saracyn was always going to have some hint of regret and loss so at least now she would have her soul mate and she could bring Albion into their family with no grudge or resentment. She was still fond of the quiet, pale man and she still felt like she would care for him, but she had to be honest with herself and the desires of her heart as well. "And like you said... If Albion isn't willing, then we will find someone else." Regardless of whether or not their mother's proposal worked out or not, they would have one another to lean on till the end of time and one way or another they would make it work. "And what about you?" she asked, trailing one of her claws across the edge of his ear and letting her tail start to lightly brush across his inner thigh as the high of her victory made her mind start wandering away from more serious topics and back to the handsome male still laying under her. "If I am going through with this marriage to Albion... will you reconsider your proposal to Scylla? Or perhaps someone else?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"