
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 11:00 AM

comfort through fear. paralyzed through time.
It had only been a little more than quite a few month from when that fate filled day, the day when she felt her blood exiting her body in an accelerated rate. The magenta colored morning that her pack mates turned on her and took to her fur as if she was just a ragdoll to be discarded. All she wanted was a bite, just a small bite of the kill they were almost finished with. Instead she was the new prey, a child surrounded by bullies. She could still remember the snarls; still feel the pain from every bite. The canine could still remember how her tail was maliciously torn off, thrown aside as if it was just a part of a carcass they were about to devour. Her eyes closed as the world began to blur into a techno light show, the scenery spinning gas she began to slip under.

Then he was there, just when she was about to let the guardian of death ease her pain. He was there. Whether it was from pity or even the care for a fellow canine, he told her that everything would be alright. She could still remember the metallic taste of her own blood on her tongue, how after he dragged her limp body to a safer location her eyes slipped from his own and closed. What she did not know was what would happen next, it seemed like years passed with every breath she took. Her mind remembered how he would bring her food and command her to eat what she could but his name was never something she could remember. For the life of her she could not remember his color, remember his smell.

Now the only thing that consumed her was the ever familiar emotion of fear. It was an emotion she was so familiar with that almost every other emotion seemed foreign, being afraid was her life. Exhaustion was another emotion that seemed to overtake her body, faltering her steps and the unbalancing sway of her body. And yet she pushed on, there was something about these trees that told her that she was safe.

Uniquely colored eyes closed for a few seconds as she tried to steady her mind and try to picture what it was her dream had told her just a few nights ago. A gentle roll of misty fingers caressed her fur, the gentle breeze outstretched to whisper in her flattened ears. As if on command her body dropped into the flowing yet dying greenery, a gentle thud accompanied her falling. It hurt but she did not open her eyes again, instead she let her exhaustion take her. Though she knew she could not just lay in the middle of this field for long but as the dawn began to break through the glittering meadow she let her body find serenity, maybe she could figure out where she was when her eyes opened again.

(ooc)(sorry for the rocky post, so she is in the middle of the field. I am gunna say an hour or more passed as she passed out unless you want him to find her before that.)