
All that matters

Avacyn ♥



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-28-2022, 10:46 PM

Avacyn gave an exasperated sigh and smirked as her brother made another comment about Albion's name and then sarcastically relented, calling her 'your grace'. "What am I going to do with you?" she questioned with a little shake of her head, already foreseeing this being an on going thing she was going to have to scold him on for the rest of their days. He was undoubtedly a problem in so many ways, but he was her problem and she loved him dearly regardless. As they continued to lay together in their hidden sanctuary and discuss the intricacies of their life together, all while teasing each other and sharing little affections, the conversation turned to him and the expectations that would be on him as well. She gave a small nod as he mentioned how he would likely be expected to find a mate for himself as well. In the end he likely wouldn't have as much pressure on him as she would to find a suitable mate and bring the next generation of Mendacium pups into the world, but there would be some and it would help them both and their public persona if he did.

She sighed again as he described Scylla as the 'angry badger wolf', thinking to herself that it might be a wonder if he found anyone else willing to put up with him if this was how he talked about everyone that wasn't their family. At the very least he agreed to keep his mind open—though she wasn't sure she liked the way he spoke of the ideas their uncle had given him. She didn't know what kind of ideas the older Mendacium male could have shared, but the way Saracyn spoke of them made her a bit concerned. "Well, you don't have to make a decision right away. You have more leeway and opportunity in that regard than I do so you might as well take advantage of it. Maybe just try spending some more time with Scylla... She's actually quite clever and you might be surprised how much you've both changed since you first met. Plus, you both have fun killing things so that's a bonus, right?" She didn't exactly want to push him into a relationship of any kind with someone else, charade or not, but at least Scylla would be someone she knew and that felt at least slightly more palatable to her than a complete stranger. She also felt like it might make Albion's time with her a bit more enjoyable if his sister was in the picture as well, but she knew all too well that Saracyn wouldn't make any choices for the betterment of someone he already didn't care for.

She was glad to be past all of this talk of the future and the heaviness of it all so she could look forward to the things that she actually wanted. There was still some details to iron out, some arrangements to confirm, but she could look forward to the love she was going to share with Saracyn and all of the nights she would get to spend sleeping in his embrace, the ceremony that the two of them would get to experience together, getting to keep him at her side and have him as her support and her confidant for the rest of her days... Those things made the future feel far less oppressive and difficult than it had once seemed. Being the Matriarch had felt like it would be a lonely thing to be since she had thought that she wouldn't be able to have her twin as her second, but now that she knew she would she felt far more optimistic about walking into that role. "I think that's enough talk of all that serious stuff for now," she commented with a soft chuckle, letting her tail swish and brush over more sensitive parts of him again as she reveled in this whole new phase of their relationship that they had uncovered together. "I just want to spend the rest of the night pretending like we don't have any responsibilities to go back to in the morning."

"Avacyn Mendacium"