
The World Is Crashing Down Around Our Ears



"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
09-29-2022, 12:48 AM

It is easy to keep pace with Mercury since his jerky, wobbly gait makes him slow and Keahi easily stays in step beside him. When he speaks, the red woman can hear the exhaustion lingering on every syllable and it physically hurts her heart to see this titan brought low but some unknown entity. Right then and there, the tropical wolf makes a silent vow that, if whatever dragged Wren away ever shows its face again, she will personally make sure its last few hours are hell on earth.

But vengeance will not do either of them any good right now so Keahi instead focuses her attention on the hurt and drained Mercury. When she had been tracking him, the red wolf had tried to find Wren’s scent lingering on fringes of the breeze but all she had found is the missing wolf’s mate and his blood. The once alpha’s trail has gone colder than Mercury’s now empty den and the search that he is wages on his own is as futile as it is exhausting.

Thoughts swirl around in her mind as she watches him, biting back a scoff at his question about her bleeding out. Sorrow lingers in her gaze as Keahi turns her blue eyes upward, trying to catch his red-rimmed gaze. Her voice is softer this time as she implores him, “Mercury, please. Stop. There is no more trail. She… she isn’t here or over the next rise. But, judging by the dried bloody paw prints, you have already searched them.”

Wren may be gone and Keahi’s chance to help her sister taken from her on that the cold night but she will be damned if she allows her friend to hurt himself any further on a hopeless task. Taking a deep breath, the red woman moves into his path, turning to block his forward progression and force him to look at her. Determination blazes in her eyes as she says, “You need to rest Mercury. Let me tend to your paws. You won’t do Wren any good in your current state.”

It is a low blow but she hopes that the stubborn, injured wolf will take heed and stop. If not, Keahi will continue to block his path until he sees reason… or knock him out cold and tend to him then. Honestly, now that she is standing in front of the stormy man, it looks as if a strong gust would knock him right off his paws. Damn it all to hell.

"Keahi Mogotsi"