
All that matters

Avacyn ♥


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-29-2022, 01:40 AM

Saracyn replied to Avacyn's exasperated sigh with a devilish grin, flashing his pearly serrated fangs to her in the process. "I can think of a few things..." he replied in a rumbling baritone purr, letting the claws of his paw on her waist dance over her hip in a not so subtle suggestion of the new acts of love they'd discovered together tonight. Avacyn looked skeptically at him when he spoke in cryptic traces of the advice their uncle had shared with him, then reminded him that he didn't need to rush into a decision. He had the luxury of being able to take his time and choose his own mate when he found one suitable for him. A pleased smile touched Sara's lips as he listened to Ava's words. This, this was what he had wanted from their mother—the recognition and acknowledgement that he had some liberties and luxuries as a male Mendacium that he had a right to. Avacyn recognized it, and that lifted his heart to know that she was indeed truly looking out for him. He just wished it felt like Manea did as well.

Avacyn tried to convince him to give Scylla another chance, and to that the Mendacium prince turned a sneer of distaste to his sister. He really couldn't imagine Scylla as anything other than the aggressive half-wolf that had tried to cut his throat and maul his face off, except for the time she'd tried to steal their wine and get drunk. He didn't really remember much of that night being drunk himself, but he was sure it hadn't been pleasant. The strange girl had even snuck into his room to try to cuddle with him in the middle of the night, a bold act that he had swiftly rebuked. For the sake of keeping the peace, Sara opted to not verbally retort his twin's suggestion, instead merely grunting in response to acknowledge her and letting the topic slip. The mood between the two Mendaciums had softened now, eased into a comfortable respite while they lay together basking in their love, hidden away from the world in this private alcove. Together they had established a new order to their lives, a structure built so they could maximize their relationship for the rest of their days. Saracyn felt infinitely better than he had when he was bedding down for the evening, in no small part to the incredible violet and black swirled galaxy of a fae still resting atop of him like she owned him—and in a way, he supposed she did. He was hers, totally and irrevocably. He would be her Champion, her warrior, her soulmate, her lover for all time.

After some quiet moments spent just taking in this moment with his one true love wrapped up in his arms, Saracyn's closed eyes slowly slid open when Avacyn declared that they had spent enough time talking about serious matters. Her words were punctuated by a soft swish of silken fur between his thighs and over some very sensitive parts of himself, drawing shorter breaths and enamored murrs from the dire brute. "Then let's do just that," he responded in a rumbling whisper, wrapping powerful forelimbs around Ava's side and waist and giving a sudden turn of his body to roll them both over, using the momentum to pin Avacyn to the fresh bedding beneath them with his body held above hers. Cobalt eyes shimmering full of love gazed down into the depths of her Stygian jewels, losing himself in Ava's eyes as his marking began to glow more intensely while he brought his mouth down to claim hers in a deeply passionate kiss. Soft groans pulled from the young wolf as he tasted Avacyn, eyes drifting closed to savor the sensations of holding her and kissing her the way a lover should, showing her in his actions just how deep and profound his love for her ran and how hot it burned. The paw around her back slid from beneath her to brace himself against the ground, his other paw wrapping securely around her slender waist to pull her hips toward his, feeling their bodies making contact, but not yet joining them together. Every so often he would give a slow roll of his hips into hers, teasing her with a promise of what was so tantalizingly close, but not giving them what they wanted—not yet.

Saracyn made out with Avacyn until his lungs screamed for air, only then breaking their mouths apart with a heated gasp, smoldering blue eyes peering through heavy lids to lock with her own again, feeling the same possessiveness she felt for him coming over him for her. "There's no one else in the world besides us, Ava..." he whispered in husky tones against her lips, nuzzling his cheek against hers while he brought his muzzle up to nip at her ear, whispering directly into her white-tipped appendage. "Your soulmate is going to love you senseless tonight..." Tightening his grip around her hips to hold her steady, Saracyn lifted his head back just enough to be able to watch Avacyn's beautiful face while he pressed his hips forward to hers and connected their bodies once more with a grit of teeth and a guttural groan. Then the brute proceeded to do as he told his fae he would—he loved her senseless, moving in strong leisurely motions until they built a rhythm together in their lovemaking, catapulting the young couple back to heights of pleasure and ecstasy they'd only just discovered. Not once did his eyes ever leave hers, drinking in all of her reactions from start to finish. He didn't want to miss a moment of this perfection, and once more Saracyn sent out a wish for this night to never end while he gave all of himself to his Avacyn.

- fade -

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
