
Star light, star bright

Widow ♡


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
09-29-2022, 02:34 AM

The subtle sound of rustling grass caught Stolas' attention, the young Abraxas prince turning his head to spot the dark-furred lady he'd grown particularly fond of approaching. He greeted her with a bright smile, bushy tail wagging of its own accord across the ground behind him. She teased him about the lateness of the hour and he snickered in reply. "Why, Widow, are you offering to tuck me in? Maybe give me a good night kiss too?" he teased her back, still getting comfortable with the banter that she seemed to throw his way with such ease. He'd never had quite a sharp verbal sparring partner like her before, and the way she kept him on his toes was exhilarating in ways Stolas didn't know he enjoyed until he felt them with her. His heart began to patter faster in his chest, still smiling at her while he simply enjoyed being in her presence again.

Stolas gestured to the patch of grass beside him and patted it with a large paw, urging her to come lie down beside him. He slid his forelegs out, gracefully lowering his belly to the grass and getting comfortable while he forced his gaze away from her and back up to the heavenly bodies above, lest his eyes begin to stray down some other heavenly body. "The weather was supposed to be excellent for stargazing tonight, and I thought that maybe you'd like to join me?" He smiled to Widow while he explained his reason for asking her out so late at night. "That is, if it isn't getting too late for you. I know you older wolves like to get to bed early." Stolas flashed a devilish grin and a playful wink to Widow. In truth, she was one of the few wolves he would actually consider a friend, so he was just happy to be with her again. Ashen did tend to get lonesome after a while.

"Stolas Abraxas-Destruction"