
Dress for the job you want




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-30-2022, 01:25 AM

When he began to set up his stall of sorts within the large market that the Armada hosted, he had really only intended on having a table with some of his pre made pieces on display and perhaps just take some custom orders there to work on later at his larger workshop by his den, but he quickly realized that when he brought something to work on to pass the time he tended to draw more of a crowd. He didn't want to care about how many pieces he sold or how much work he generated for himself, but somewhere deep down the businessman his father had taught him to be still thrived and it did make him happy to see the things he made go to homes that appreciated them. Because of that, he built a slightly more scaled back version of his forge and workshop in the "stall" he had been given and used it to do some fine tuning on projects or do some on the spot repairs as they came.

He was mending a piece of dented plate armor, holding it over the flame to heat up the metal before using his hammer to gradually smooth it out, when a sound coming from the edge of the stall pulled his attention in the gaps of silence between the clangs of metal. His ears perked and he turned his head to look at the black and red young brute that was waiting on him. Setting down the hammer, he went to greet him, but before he could introduce himself the stranger showed that he already knew who he was, seemingly seeking him out specifically. "That I am," he replied with a chuckle, casting a curious glance toward the sword that was laid on the surface in front of him. "What can I help you with?"

As soon as Saracyn introduced himself and explained what—and who—and brought him here Ruga perked with interest, his brows lifting with the kind of excitement only an artisan given an exciting project could have. "No kidding! Oh his sword was a delight to work on. I've been dying to get my paws on some of that steel again." He lifted a paw toward the sheathed sword, giving Saracyn a questioning look and saying, "May I?" before sitting back on his haunches and pulling the sword out of its sheath, revealing the black blade within. He grinned and marveled at it for a moment, holding it up into his line of sight and looking down the blade as he assessed it and turning it over in his paws to look at the grip and pommel. "A beautiful piece... I can see why he sent you to me though. It needs a bit of work to get it back to its former glory. I would probably need a day or two to finish the work, but it'd be well worth it when I'm done, I can promise you that." He started to slide the sword back into its scabbard and added, "Are there any adjustments or changes you'd like made while I'm at it?"

"Ruga Amanto"