
Shoot it, shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now

[Pack Challenge - Valhalla]



2 Years

Samhain 2022
09-30-2022, 05:09 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2022, 05:11 AM by Cassiela. Edited 1 time in total.)

In the wake of that sudden call, a chilling sense of ‘the calm before the storm’ instilled. A certain stoicism radiated from all of those around her that she recognized as a preparation for sudden war. However, as she came to quickly understand, this was just going to be Ardyn’s fight and Ardyn’s fight alone. A challenge for the western plains. Her stomach wrenched in itself as the premonition of what would happen if Valhalla was to be displaced crossed her mind. How dreadful. She had been a guest here for nearly a whole season, had been immersed in their culture, and offered a seat at their table, and a bed under their roof. She recalled the stories of Ardyn’s ancestors who had a very colorful renaissance here. All the work that had been spent developing the territory over years and years of effort. The thought of its loss made her sick, even though, it was never really hers to lose in the first place.

Then something more intimate crossed her mind. What about Ardyn himself? She had come to know his kind nature and gentle heart as a friend. But at the same time, was unaware of the customs of this still so strange to her land. Surely this would be an honorable fight? Surely this was just a battle for claim and not for blood. Not knowing for sure left her sick with worry. Her emerald gaze easily picked Aurielle’s moonlit glow out of the crowd beginning to gather. However, before she could get to the Queen Mother, a large monochromatic brute -seemingly her age- approached her in a taunting manner. Cassi didn’t recognize him but was familiar with the scent. Azure. The gentleman that had helped her home out of the sudden desert flood. How this brute was associated with him she did not know.

Feeling helpless and guilty about not being able to do anything, Cassiela tightly tuckered her limbs into her core in an effort to quell the volatile feelings in her chest. Just as everyone else who had gathered, her primary focus settled on the two combatants as things began to heat up. Only to frequently check on Aurielle as a secondary situation unfolded on the sidelines. A silent prayer to the First fell to her lips in order to try and convince her deity to invoke influence in a situation caused by wolves that did not belong to him. However, she was desperate and felt it was the only thing she could do.