
Imp Klein Readoption

Recluse kid up for readoption!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
09-30-2022, 11:13 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2022, 11:39 AM by Shelby. Edited 1 time in total.)

OOC Name: Shelby

Character Name: Imp Klein
Alignment: Neutral evil
Apperance: This pale wisp of a man shows of a nearly flawless base of bone white fur that shows the faintest hue of his pale pink skin peeking through where the fur is thinnest. The albino traits from his mother shine through strongly in him from nose to tail. If it were not for the striking markings that his sire provided he'd likely be a spitting image of her. Ripples of vibrant blue and smokey gray break up the otherwise solid white of his fur, looking almost like the ridges of waves as they form around the back of his neck, across his hips, and over the back of his tail. They dissipate into more scattered markings down each of his legs as well. His pale, pink hued gaze is framed by similarly colored markings with flecks of this vibrant blue right at the outer corners. Imp is a tall brute with a height matching the tallest around at forty five inches, but takes more after his mother than anyone else when it comes to his build. He is slender and willowy with long legs that make him seem to float with graceful strides, like a ghost drifting through a forest at night.

Personality: (This is more of an adult personality. Imagine him as a more watered down, more energetic version of this right now and he'll grow into it.)
Selfish - His number one priority is almost always himself. If the situation does not benefit him or play to his interests then he is at best likely to be bored by it and at worst outright refuse to take part in it. His family does benefit from the fact that he views them in such a possessive manner that they gain the majority of his attention and drive, but that does mean that anyone outside of his immediate family does have a hard time gaining his respect or notice. He can be very prideful, putting a lot of attention and energy into his own appearance and abilities. He is not so diluted as to think that he is superior in every way simply because of who he is and instead crafts himself into something that he can be proud of presenting to the world with all of the bravado and pride he has earned for himself.
Independent - Imp doesn't often choose on his own free will to seek out the company of others unless it will benefit him in some way. He takes after his mother's reclusive nature and values the time he spends either on his own or with the select few that he views as worthy of his time. He doesn't often feel the need to include others or get the opinion of others in on his decisions and that can make him slightly impulsive. He does and takes whatever he desires in whichever way suits him best and doesn't tend to think of the broader implications of his actions. It's not uncommon for him to strike out on his own for stretches of time and then return to his family as if nothing happened and he had been here all along.
Inquisitive - His mind is always turning and always grasping for new information. He views learning as one of his greatest powers and hoards information like a dragon hoards gold. He sees the benefit in being quiet and observant like a snake in the grass so that he can take what he knows and whisper in the ears of the ones that he can manipulate or guide. When he's in a lesson or being taught something that he's interested in its one of the few times he will put aside his pride and actually value the input and wisdom of others. He will be the first to acknowledge when he is lacking in any particular skill and isn't afraid to seek out someone to teach him more on a certain topic. However, as soon as he feels that he has mastered that area of interest he will discard his tutor or at the very least view them entirely as equals.
Skills: Fighting, Intellect
Plans: It'll probably depend pretty heavily on the outcome of the challenge and where they end up, but at the very least I imagine he'll stick close to Recluse and fam for at least the first couple of years and then see where what's going on at that point. I don't necessarily see him settling down into any kind of "traditional" relationship. Thinking more hopping from one to another or maybe having one out of obligation or convenience at some point. He'll likely be the kind of kid to pick on his siblings but if someone else messes with them then that's not okay with him. Very "only I can be mean to my siblings" vibes until he gets older and grows out of the tormenting phase. Later on when he's older I could see him as some sort of spy or advisor. Think very hand of the king with helpers that bring him information vibes.