
You're an interesting one, aren't you?




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-30-2022, 01:04 PM

Manea had encountered all sorts of various mutations and gifts in her time—there was certainly no shortage of them within her family line—but wings on a wolf was certainly something entirely new to her. It seemed that the small male that introduced himself at Gavroche picked up on that fact immediately since as soon as he finished introducing himself he gave her an explanation about how the wings were in fact nonfunctional. She certainly didn't hide her fascination with them as her aqua gaze roamed over the earth-toned collection of features that covered his sides so she wasn't surprised that he noticed, but she was pleased that he didn't take offense to it. She had always been more than happy to show off her own differences and while he didn't seem to take quite the same pride in them as she did he was still more understanding of her interest than some others might have been.

Her ears perked and her brows lifted with interest when she caught the fact that he was one of two wolves this wings like his. She was surprised by the existence of one, but even more intrigued that there were two. It made her wonder where this second wolf was and how their wings compared and if there were even more like them somewhere out in the world... It was a whole range of possibilities that she couldn't help but think about. She chuckled as he finished his explanation of the limitations his wings had, watching them shift and move at his sides before bringing her aqua gaze back to his emerald eyes with a slight grin. "Well, flightless or not, they are still beautiful and fascinating. It is certainly a pleasure to meet you, Gavroche." She wanted to ask if he knew where the second winged wolf currently resided, but he held off for now. She was genuinely curious in him and getting to know more about him as well and she didn't want to seem as though she was so singularly minded to only focus on his physical traits.

He continued the conversation himself, asking what brought her out into the thicket. "I'm on a bit of a scouting mission of sorts. I haven't had a chance to explore this land just yet since it was claimed by another pack until recently so now that it's free land I wanted to come take a look," she explained easily, feeling no reason to hide her real intentions from the seemingly polite and kind male. "I lead a pack that is just at the edge of this thicket," she added, pointing off toward where the thicket faded into the land that surrounded the nearby lake. "I like to know what sorts of lands surround my own and what resources they hold so my members can take advantage of them if need be." That was when she noticed the dirt on his paws and the places near him where some plants had clearly been dug up. "It appears you are already making use of this dense plant life. Anything interesting around here I can tell my healer about?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny