
Never smile at a...

Widow ♡


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
09-30-2022, 07:28 PM

It wasn't a crocodile. Or maybe it was. Stolas didn't exactly know the difference between the various kinds of crocodilian predators that dwelled in the waters and river ways of Boreas. But the giant lizard currently basking on the shores of the Rio Grande giving an ominous reptilian hiss at the curious wolf definitely did look like a crocodile. Its skin was a dark, almost inky black color, and it was absolutely massive! Stolas considered the deadly reptile for a moment, studying it from a safe distance of a few meters away. Part of him wanted to try throwing something at it or poking it with a stick to see if he could get it to open its jaws so he could get a peek inside its mouth. Another part of him wondered if he'd be able to kill it and skin it. The leathery hide could be used to craft a great number of useful things. But was it worth the risk?

Pursing his lips while he mulled over the pros and cons of challenging an apex predator veritably unchanged since the dawn of time. Another thought that had occurred to him was that his pack did want to claim this land. Having a highly aggressive crocodilian living in their segment of river didn't bode well for the safety of Ashen. So, with all the bravery of a dumb teenager, Stolas picked up a nearby fallen tree limb in his jaws and stepped cautiously closer to the black caiman, jabbing it in the side of its face a few times. The caiman opened its mouth and hissed a warning, but Stolas just jabbed the stick into its mouth. That kicked the black caiman into action, and with a snap of powerful jaws that splintered and shattered the limb, the reptile began to make its way up the bank of the river towards the wolf, angry and homicidal. Stolas yelped in shock and bared his teeth, backing cautiously away while preparing for a fight.
