
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 12:29 PM

i am alive, are you to save me?
The winter kissed grass was not the color of green her mind told her it was, no instead it had taken a more silvery appearance but she could not register this. She simply was in a daze, a dream that reminded her of nothing more than the pain she felt when her fellow pack mates sunk their fangs into her flesh. A whimper escaped her lips as the dream continued, as she looked to her brethren and asked why she could not have a small morsel of the carcass they had all abandoned. That morning?s colors were soon mimicked on her fur, magentas and the color of crimson seemed to soak her to the soiled bone.

She did not understand their anger; she never understood how she became the rank that her mother once held. Fear. It was what tainted her soul, quickly tightening against her heart as she was paralyzed by the vivid nightmare that seemed to haunt her every time she closed her eyes. It was so vivid, the imagery but not just that. She felt it all again and again. The echoes of their voices and the pain that they inflicted on her body over and over again, they were the reliving of the scars that still covered her body.

There was a push, a tug that broke her dream. Images of that day splintered and fell aground her like shattered pieces of glass, crashing into the flowing grass that embraced her fallen form. Words finally eased their way into her ears, bouncing off the walls of her mind like an echo that wished to taunt her. Uniquely colored eyes snapped open, her pupils dilated by both fear and the haunting images of her nightmare. Paws finally found purchase to the chilled ground as she struggled to rise from her slumber, her nose had touched something that smelled almost appetizing if it was not for her panic attack. A touch against her neck felt wrong, was she in danger?

Finally the pale girl was up; her body shook from not just the cold that caressed her fur but from the new form that was looming over her. Everything in her body screamed submission to the new being that woke her from her fear soaked dream, her eyes only looking up at him in hopes that meeting his eyes would not have her flattened ears ripped off. Her breathing began to accelerate though she was desperately trying to calm its rate. It was all a failed attempt, everything refused to respond to her as she finally let his words register in her brain. He was asking if she was alive, spoke of helping her and yet all she could do was stare at him like she was a frightened child standing before an abusive father.
(ooc)(what she is recalling is a nightmare, her fur is no longer covered in blood.. just maybe the almost healed wound on her chest could have cracked open from her sudden movements.)