
Making an entrance



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-01-2022, 12:23 AM

When he asked about the Adravendi family being extended family she made a slight tip of her head, but didn't take her eyes away from her work. Of our family, you mean? No, Artorias and I are Carpathius from our mother Resin. But Ulric Adravendi was one of the founding members with her and even led the pack for a while when our mother fell ill. Several of his children still live here." She hummed contemplatively, talking almost absentmindedly while she continued with her work. "We're the two main families here—though there are definitely far more Carpathian wolves than there are Adravendi. Ulric and his mate and one of his daughters left to pursue their own lives so there's just a few of them here now." She wasn't usually so talkative while she worked, but he was pleasant to talk to and seemed to like the conversation.

She tied of the last stitch and Eilwen leaned in to help snip the thread loose. "Good as new!" the pale raven quipped with her bird like laugh before taking off to take her place in the rafters again up above. Gwynevere was so used to her companion at this point that they worked perfectly in tandem and she hardly paid her any mind while she sat the needle down and picked up a jar of another ointment. She smiled and blushed a bit as he asked if all of the Hallows healers were as skilled as she was, her ears flicking with her usual shyness. "Oh, well, um... Syanna has been working with me for a long time now and I would put her skills on the same field as my own. I believe the other healers in the pack are still in training." She smeared a layer of ointment she had crafted out of various herbs to help keep the wound sealed and free of infection and then picked up a small roll of bandages, making quick work of wrapping a couple of layers over it and tying that off. "There you go. Come back to me in about a week and we'll remove those stitches."

"Gwynevere Carpathius"