
Making an entrance



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-01-2022, 01:08 AM

Gwynevere's ears flicked back with a bit of uncertainty as Mercury asked about the details of their mother's passing—pointing out a slight discrepancy in how Artorias had painted the picture versus how she had recounted the memories. She gave a slight shake of her head when he said she didn't have to tell him, saying, "It's alright. It's been a long time now." She sighed softly and then said, "Our mother slowly lost her sanity, to the point where she accidentally attacked and scarred our other mother. After that she locked herself away and wouldn't leave the dungeons. That's when Ulric took over the pack since Artorias was still too young to lead. She grew a lot more frail as time went on. Her mind went first, but it destroyed her body as well." Gwynevere was quiet for a moment, a frown pulling across her lips. "It's... It's one of the only things I wasn't been able to treat... you know?"

She gave a shake of her head, trying to brush off the long settled emotions and memories that she hadn't thought about in what felt like an age even though it wasn't all that long ago in the grand scheme of things. "Anyway... She did end up falling in a battle. The castle was attacked by a pack of massive dire wolves and our mother convinced someone to let her out so she could fight. She turned the tables on the attackers, but in her state she wasn't going to walk away from that fight alive." She said it quite matter of factly, like a doctor speaking of a dire diagnosis, but her gaze was far away as she said it. She blinked a few times, bringing her attention up to Mercury with a slight smile. "Artorias puts a lot of pressure on himself over it even though none of it was his fault... Though I think all of us do in one way or another."

As she finished up her work and began to clean up her supplies, her patient asked about her rank in the pack and if he had been lucky to find her here. She gave a nod, chuckling softly. "Indeed I am. I am generally here unless I am out in the greenhouse. Although... my boyfriend has made a point of getting me out of the infirmary more often. I don't think he likes me working as much as I do," she mentioned with a chuckle. Ysmir was always looking out for her when she wouldn't usually look out for herself. She put the jars of ointments back on the shelf and just as she turned back to face him he complimented her work, making her smile. "Thank you, you're very kind. I've been at this for about as long as I can remember so it's more second nature to me now than anything." She nodded again as he confirmed the timeline for his return to have his injury checked and stitches removed and she grinned with a bit of humor as she told him, "And maybe stay away from the swords without supervision, hm?"

"Gwynevere Carpathius"