
Making an entrance



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-01-2022, 10:49 PM

A sad smile tugged at Gwyn's lips at the small consolation that Mercury gave her over a failure only being a failure if nothing was learned. She nodded in return, though she didn't answer. She tried to tell herself sometimes that if she had been older and more experienced when everything happened then she could have been more of a help to their mother and she could have changed how things turned out, but she'd never know that for certain. She hoped she never had to witness anyone deteriorate the way Resin had, but she did feel like she knew the signs to look for now so perhaps she could step in before it got as serious as it had so quickly if she ever did. Looking back on things now she could easily pick out when their mother started showing symptoms that they had all brushed off as stress and sleeplessness. She wouldn't overlook those things again.

The conversation grew lighter as he laughed at the mention of her studious habits and she giggled lightly when he insisted she was going to be sick of the sight of him, making her imagine that this was going to just be the first of many training related injuries. She knew scolding would do no good—if it did Artorias would be far more cautious than he was—so instead she just replied, "Well, I suppose I should make sure I have extra bandages at the ready then." She figured he would likely go on his way now that he was treated, their pleasant little interaction a momentary distraction in her otherwise mundane day, but then he invited her out on a walk through the plains. She blinked with surprise and glanced over at her work that she had abandoned in favor of taking care of his cut. It wasn't like the herbs were in dire need of being put away right this second and she knew even as she considered turning the offer down to get back to work she would just be making excuses as she always did. After a moment she looked back to him with a slight flick of her ears and a smile. "Sure, I suppose I could use a break."

"Gwynevere Carpathius"