
Creating life among the dead

Widow ♥


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
10-02-2022, 12:55 AM

The effects of Widow's drink were beginning to become more and more apparent to Stolas the more time slipped by between them. Between the tingling in his nose whenever he breathed in her scent that scrambled his brain and made his thoughts foggy to the warmth in his core that had now spread to every inch of his skin—though it seemed to pool considerably between his thighs in an unusual and foreign way—Stolas was feeling all sorts of sensations he'd never experienced before! Not a single one of them was bad, however, just new and unknown. It was a primitive desire, something innate within him yearning and aching to be closer to Widow, as if he could never be close enough to her to be satisfied. He felt an urge to touch her, feel her all over, taste her and breathe her in. Widow was his drug, and tonight he wanted to get high off of her until he overwhelmed himself in her. That would be an overdose he was willing to dive headfirst into.

Widow giggled, the sound of her laughter making the butterflies in his belly flutter. She told him what was in the drink, and though he didn't know what half of those ingredients did either, none of them sounded outright sinister. They were making him feel extremely odd though, hot all over, and hungry in ways that he didn't know how to sate. Stolas wasn't an idiot, however. He knew all about how wolves reproduced, what sex and mating were. He was however inexperienced, and the conflict between his dazed mind and lusting body was dizzying. Fortunately, Widow didn't seem to mind taking the lead and showing him where to begin. The moment he touched her back, he saw the lovely woman's eyes snap back to him, something wild and ravenous in those argent jewels when she looked at him. The way she was staring him down, it made him feel powerful, manly, wanted. He liked the way Widow made him feel in that moment.

Graphite gray eyes met and held her gaze, feeling the electricity in the air between them, the way the air felt right before a lightning strike. Between their physical and emotional connections, Stolas felt some sort of bond with Widow. Something deep and personal that was uniquely theirs. The two had begun their journey as strangers at a fair when they were lanky pups, unsure of themselves. Now here they were... and she was perfect. All of a sudden, Widow was moving, bidding him to come have a taste of her. Before Stolas could blink, Widow's mouth was on his, kissing him deeply and passionately. The young man groaned softly, large paws lifting to wrap around Widow's waist and hold her to him while he did as she asked and tasted her, kissing her back with all the heated and fervent passion she had stoked within him. Their first time would likely be clumsy, awkward, full of learning the motions and one another's bodies. But it was perfect for Stolas. Perfect, just like her.

- fade for spoopy Halloween baby making -
