
Excitement and Awe



5 Years
10-14-2013, 02:18 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Taking Callisto quite by surprise, the mother of the trio of pups strolled onto the scene, faithful pet wolverine at her heels, and voiced her own lackluster input. Though the words lacked a typical mother's warmth, the fact they further contradicted Severus's blatant jab caused the typically stoic girl's face to brighten with mirth, her lips curving into a slight and muted grin. Oh, how little her brother would like to hear that! Their own mother evening the playing field by setting them all side by side in her comparison. Surely his pride could not easily handle such a sting well. But she was at a bad angle to see him, and any move she would have made to do so would have been obvious, so she refrained from stealing a peek and satisfied herself instead with envisioning his sour expression.

Distractedly, her silvery blue eyes watched her sister stir against their father, drawn into wakefulness by their mother's approach, but rather than take part in the conversation at hand, or even show an interest in what appeared to be an important family conversation, she addressed the wolverine instead. Callisto stared puzzlingly at the pair for a second before she caught on that her mother was answering her inquiry before Deteste, claiming the new leader of Amenti to be addled and a threat to Jupiter. No image rose up at the mention of the Ludicael leader, though the importance of the figure was noted. She was a highly regarded wolf in her mother's eyes - though the degree of that regard had yet to be fully understood - and someone worth throwing their lot in with. Distant and rather analytical, Callisto could not quite mimic the same unwavering, unfailing loyalty that Medusa seemed to have toward their present leader, but considering the answer suited her sentiments for the time being she was willing enough to agree and accept them.

Severus, always demanding the limelight, always attempting to be the center of attention, sauntered closer and chimed in with assurances that he would be the one to secure themselves a place in the Amenti territory, though as his wicket eyes shifted toward her direction it was made plain that the boastful statement had only been meant to further irk her. Informed that she would be the one left behind, Callisto reigned in her irritation behind her once again smoothed expression and responded with mock indifference, "That's okay. I'm sure the view of your failure from the border will be just as good for me."

Turning her attention from her irksome brother to her diplomatic father, Callisto answered in much the same tone as before though with more sincerity in her simple, to the point statement, "I would."