
Making an entrance



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-02-2022, 09:17 PM

Gwyn's ears flicked on reflex at the thought of visiting her old home when Mercury suggested it, a polite smile still lingering on her lips as she looked down at the ground passing in front of them. "Oh, I'm not really much of the traveling type. Besides, my work here keeps me very busy. It's very hard to get away and I prefer sticking close to home. I appreciate the offer though, it's very kind," she explained, hearing the familiar excuses in her own ears even as she said them. He seemed kind and understanding so she hoped he didn't take it personally. She would have given the same answer to anyone—Artorias and Ysmir included. At least when she was within the castle walls she could be certain that she was safe and as long as she was safe then she could be here to make sure her family was heathy.

She was more than happy to keep the topic off of her for a moment as he agreed with her assessment that his mysterious former home was indeed beautiful—and that his home had a mouthful of a name. It made her wonder what had caused him to leave all the more and when he promised to tell her about them she smiled softly, glancing over at him and seeing the profile of his features as he looked ahead across the plains. "I'll be looking forward to all of your stories," she replied, considering him for a moment before she turned her gaze away again, walking beside him for a bit with just the crunching snow breaking up the silence. She didn't mind the quiet. More often than not these days she had grown more used to and comfortable in the silence between her time alone and her time with Ysmir, but it was nice to have someone that she was comfortable sharing a bit of silence with. "We should start heading back," she told him as they began to curve back around through the open plain. "I wouldn't want you on that paw too much when it's so freshly stitched."

"Gwynevere Carpathius"