
Into the woods we go

Fight seasonal


"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
10-02-2022, 09:35 PM

Excitement poured through the pup as her sister grasped onto the idea, though Vanta's grin faltered slightly as she turned it upon her to see her feline claws slide out from their sheaths in anticipation. She glanced down at her own paws, dragging the toes through the dirt in disappointment. Kite was already bounding toward the tree however and she did not have long to dwell on her own lack of gifts, shrugging her shoulders and hurrying along behind the other pup.

Kite held out her paw in gesture, giving Vanta the honor of the first climb. Her smile returned, grateful for her sister's thoughtful soul. "You're right, it's safest for me to go first anyways, you're gonna be a stronger climber and you can help me if I look like I'm gonna fall." Kite's claws would keep her secure to whatever trunk or branch they could cling to. Lacking those, there was no guarantee Vanta wouldn't just slip and tumble from the bark.

Thankfully the branches here were not the sort to only allow a uniquely clawed wolf to rise up them, and it did not take long for Vanta to find an angle where she could leap up enough to catch her armpits upon the branch. Her back paws wriggled, scratching against the bark until finding purchase in a knot and pushing herself the rest of the way up. From there it was a gradual incline, up into the trees.

"It's cool up here!" Vanta made it halfway up the ramp-like branch before turning her head back, wanting to share the experience with her sister. Her gaze swung around and down to where Kite was - but something in a neighbouring tree caught her crystalline eye before she could give to her sister her encouraging grin. The shape was familiar, almost... "Bast?" Vanta called to the shadowed figure hesitantly, ducking her head to try and see past the leaves toward it.

Total Word Count: 1037/1500
