
Yo Momma


10-14-2013, 02:38 PM

It didn?t hurt all that much. Honestly it didn?t, just a little bit of a twinge whenever his paw made contact with the ground. It was very likely that he would forget about it entirely and it would cease to ail him the moment his mind was no longer registering it. However Song?s abject concern flustered him and he couldn?t seem to put it out of his mind farther than a few feet before his attention was forcibly diverted to it again. Royale sighed, ?I?m fine. It?s just a scratch really!? He assured with a lopsided grin. He didn?t want to worry her unnecessarily though he?d be lying if he said he did not enjoy the attention.

Her insistence paid off however and the boisterous boy sighed in an exaggeratedly put-upon way but presented her with his forepaw. The cut, as he?d suspected, was tiny and shallow with only the slightest beads of crimson collecting in it. A scratch at best and nothing to be overly concerned about. Roy certainly wasn?t going to stress over it. ?You children must love it.? He murmured tamely. He could only just recall his mother singing to her brood but the tune of her voice was little more than static in the memory. Dwelling on it only stole more of his vibrancy and further distracted him from the present with the moroseness he wasn?t accustomed to showing so he was slightly startled when she asked for his name.

He hadn?t introduced himself already? His mother would have scolded him for his acute lack of manners?gosh he really needed to stop thinking about her otherwise he was going to start making comparisons and then start projecting. It?d be messy and unfair to Song but damn it if just thinking her name didn?t conjure up the memories he?d tried to bury beneath each and every smile. ?Uh, it?s Roy..I mean Royale. You can call me Roy though. Most everyone does. Well not everyone cause I don?t actually know that many wolves. But yeah, Roy?s fine. Royale sounds really pompous and that?s not me.? He rambled, nerves getting the better of the blue-eyed speedster.

"So~" Dragging out the vowel uncomfortably. "How many kids do you have by the way?"
