
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 02:44 PM

what have i done for your kindness?
Her eyes flickered once more to the feathered being, the ever taunting scent of coppery blood almost made her slip up and devour even the bones that the creature had to offer but a flash back held her in place. It was her hunger that was the end of her, or at least that was what she had thought. Her demise and carried out death sentence was always planned since her birth, though she was not even suppose to live past her birth but that was not the image that held her body in place. It was the reminder of how much pain she had to endure to even try a lick at a carcass that was already stripped to the bone, the reminder of how cruel those she lived with could so easily inflict such a feeling on her body.

Tall ears lifted for what seemed to be a millisecond to catch the few syllables that he murmured to her own strained voice, before they quickly fell back against the safety of her skull. Even though she tried to stop such a sound form escaping her tightly pressed lips, a soft whine seemed to elude the silence that drifted between them. Unique colored eyes drifted shut as if to embrace for a repercussion from such a tiny ring of sound, but really she was trying to just steady her own breathing. In and out, it came quicker than she wanted. It was obvious that she was angry with herself, at war with her own physique that would never respond the way she wanted them to. Instead she shiver racked her spine, a quick flicker of a nearly extinct tail.

Again her eyes slowly opened at the low hum that was this stranger?s voice, as relaxing of a sound that it was she could not fight her body any longer. He gave her his permission to finally even touch the feathery creature that he has so graciously placed before her, and yet she had to move closer to even finally lick it. Hesitantly she used her already prone legs to crawl closer to the bird and in turn closer to the dark colored stranger, her own worn paws almost touching his. Again she tried to speak, though at first it was a failed attempt once more a struggle to even make a sound that was deemed a spoken word.

"Th-thank you." Her voice was only a whisper and yet it rang only softly but still held a very worrisome crack of disuse, her bowed her head before the stranger before letting her paws move the pheasant closer to her injured chest. Again her tongue racked over the soft yet pesky feathers that covered it?s deceased body, and yet just that taste was the most heavenly she had ever tasted in months. Her lips parted to allow her teeth to finally pick at the feathers before her hunger grew too great that feathers would not be the issue in her stomach. Bones crunched in her first bite, a sound that was almost too sweet for her ears to bear. Metallic blood savored in her mouth as she enjoyed every bite, this was perfectly divine.