
The Gift



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-03-2022, 01:54 AM
There she was... laid out beautiful and perfect like a present waiting for him to come and take her. Wide obsidian eyes ate up Relm's form, drinking in the details of the lewd sight before his ravenous gaze. She had disrobed already, her cloak nowhere to be seen and showing off every feminine curve of her body. She laid out on a bed of soft furs, glancing back over her shoulder at him with argent eyes shining with playful mischief and a grin on her lips that set his blood on fire. There was a confidence in Relm that he had never seen before, a sultry and sexy self-assurance that made the Mendacium brute hungry. Those predatory black eyes gleamed with primal delight as he watched the pink and black fae roll over to present her belly to him, those same eyes roving with lecherous desire over every inch of her, eventually coming to settle between her legs where that delectable scent was originating.

How long had it been since they'd bedded together Alastor wondered? A week? Two? Time had slipped by so seamlessly that he hardly kept track of it anymore. But this... oh, this he would want to remember forever. Relm's pale pools set in her dark face called to him, beckoning him over like a siren song. Alastor was a slave to those eyes, to that grin, and to his own instincts as he gave in and let his mind slip away. Heavy paws carried the dire brute over to his fae, practically salivating while he looked her over from tip to tail. Neither of them had said a word to one another yet, and perhaps neither of them would. They would speak through their actions, their body language, and the sounds they would coax from one another amidst their frenzied fucking. Alastor practically stood over Relm, looming above her while he drank in her scent with each breath, and each breath served to further intoxicate his lust-addled brain. His core clenched hard, a heat deep inside of him radiating like he had swallowed a small sun. Relm's scent made his body tingle, his nerves on fire and ready to pounce. And he would... but not yet. First he was going to make his lover sing for him.

Raising one massive paw, Alastor went to press his paw down onto Relm's lower belly, not applying his weight forward but instead slowly trailing his claws down through thin fur and over warm skin. He didn't press hard enough to cut her yet, but she would feel the sharp edges of his siam claws tickling at her flesh. His eyes followed his paw down, down the length of Relm's body until he reached her waist. Then he slid himself down to his belly to settle himself between Relm's spread thighs. Lust-fogged eyes peered up at her silver set from across the length of her, a lecherous growl rumbling in his throat, the sound of a predator about to feat. And feast he did. Alastor wasted no time in grabbing each of Relm's thighs with strong paws, holding them spread apart while his muzzle dipped down with tongue extended to taste her, finding familiar and intimate flesh with a primal hunger he'd never shown her before. Obsidian eyes watched her face all the while he sought to please her with his mouth, watching for her reactions while he devoured her alive. He wanted to savor this moment and watch Relm come undone before he spent the rest of the night giving into his nature and doing as their bodies and instincts demanded.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
