
a sun that never sets

Bronze i


12 Years
10-14-2013, 02:47 PM

Bronze was as solemn as ever as the morning unfolded. Pleasant colors painted the sky as the sun began to peek over the horizon; splashes of orange and pink were bright against the falling snow, white and crisp as it landed on the frozen earth. It was a rough season for the rapidly aging male, but he knew he needed to be up and moving -- or he was afraid he would fall into sickness. Arthritis threatened to cripple him, but for now he would fight the soreness and fatigue and push onward, determined to live through the winter for his children.

With each passing season he grew rather obviously older. Once strong muscles had begun to deteriorate, though he was a rather impressively-sized brute even still. And so the man padded across the range with no goal in mind but to stretch his sore muscles and invigorate his body on this chilly winter morning. And what a morning it was! Brown gaze scanned the horizon eagerly, watching the giant trees, swaying with the gentle breeze, limbs quivering under the weight of the accumulating snow. It was quite a sight, and yet Bronze still longed for the mountains of his birthplace. His children had not wandered far from home -- perhaps if he saw them through the winter, he could take them farther north on an outing of sorts, to admire the massive peaks, which would still be tipped with snow far into the thaw of spring.

Despite everything, a gentle smile would rest on the man's features. He could ask for nothing more, and he truly did not feel as though he had earned any of this ... and oh, was he grateful.