
Everyone's missing, but at least the scouts are back

Raid Meeting



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-03-2022, 10:30 AM

Rivin hadn’t really spent time at the caverns but when what sounded like an important call went up from inside them the little girl could not help but grow curious what it was about. She had only really met some of the other kids in the pack, not even the alpha yet, so why the urgent call was so important was currently lost on her. Well, better to learn now than never, right? It wouldn’t look very good as she aged to ignore King pirate’s call to arms. Besides, she was interested in learning to raid and whatnot. Couldn’t exactly participate if she wasn’t at those meetings! So, little legs working to carry her to the caverns, Rivin made her way there.

Three wolves were waiting for her, and Rivin knew none of them. Her ears perked forward as she stepped further inside. They were all really big, just like her daddy, but the brown-furred lady was the biggest of them all. The red-marked pup padded up to the pretty black, blue, and gold male, his colors being the most appealing to her as a kid and the fact he was more on her level (being flopped on the ground and all) a good enough reason to poke him and have him hopefully pay attention.

“What’s going on? Why did the pretty brown lady call for everyone?” Even as she asked this her green eyes flicked to Sparrow before settling on Artisan once more.

"Talk," 'Think.'