
I Was Runnin' Far Away



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-03-2022, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2022, 10:50 AM by Cassiela. Edited 1 time in total.)

By this time, Cassiela had become quite comfortable in her western travels. The heat of the arid climate had been a little bit of a shock in the beginning. But now that she had been out in the thick of it for nearly a season now, she had pretty well adapted. The generous craftsmen of Valhalla had been kind enough to show her how to make a leather flask- the one that now hung around her neck and over her shoulder to carry water for herself. It wasn’t much, but it made traveling through the desert a lot safer. It enabled her to commit a little longer to explore a place that might otherwise be too dangerous for the threat of dehydration. But for now, weaving in and out of the seemingly endless ocean of sand dunes just outside of the plains was something that she had grown accustomed to. However, this time, she was drawn to take a different path. Rather than circling towards the coastline, Cassiela made her way due north. Or at least as far as she could.

It wasn’t long after she had set out that a new scent caught her attention. It was fresh. Claimed territory that she could have sworn had no markers earlier this season. Her curiosity peaked, as she came to a halt at the newly laid border to get a closer look. A lot could be hidden in the sand dunes, but she didn’t immediately see anyone … After a few more moments of internal debate, she finally tilted her head back to call for an audience. Her intention was a friendly one- and she did her best to convey that in her tone. At the very least, she wanted to make an introduction for herself. Perhaps lay the groundwork for peaceful coexistence.