
The cardinal sin

Manea ♥



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-03-2022, 06:38 PM

Manea's gaze didn't linger on Alastor long enough to see the realization dawn on him at the significance of the day he had so easily spent without her, her blood boiling as she stalked out of the den and started walking down the path to the cave that was just a short distance from their own. This relationship he had with Relm had grated on her nerves and irritated her endlessly since it began, but for her mate's happiness she had let it slide, given Relm a position that would keep her working closely with Alastor, forgave all the time that he spent away from her side... But this ridiculous disregard for the only law that she told Alastor he must follow and the complete lack of care for his mate and mother of his children was the last straw. She wasn't sure if the reality of the situation would even penetrate through his thick skull, but she certainly hoped it did so he could come after her. She got her wish as he called after her, hearing his paw steps on the stone of the path as he caught up to her almost half way between their den and Kavik's.

She had fully intended to ignore his pleading to let him feel even a hint of how he had made her feel as she waltzed down to her lover's home to enjoy him in full view of Alastor, but the moment that he mentioned how he had "other things" going on that he had to attend to she was simply too outraged and disgusted at just how low his priorities and his regard for her and their family had fallen to not address it. She stopped in her tracks, her hackles bristling as she rounded on him, coming face to face with the ridiculous sight of her husband holding fucking shampoo in his mouth while he was talking to her. She stepped closer to him, speaking in hushed, seething tones as her aqua gaze narrowed and lit with an anger that sank so deep it made her skin crawl. "Other. Things. You had other things that were more important than being with your wife for our anniversary? Not only that, but it was more important to you to be fucking your whore while she's in heat! I don't want to hear any bullshit about her taking contraceptives or anything like that either. There is still always a chance unless she's taking a high enough dose to make her entirely infertile and with how fucking obsessed she is with you I wouldn't even put it past her for her to be fucking lying to you and trying to make you get her pregnant! Regardless of her being in heat or it being our anniversary, when did I and our family fall so far down your list of priorities that I'm suddenly the after thought? Why is it completely excusable for you to just disappear for an entire day without a word so you can go run off and fuck another woman? And I swear to the Ancients, Alastor, if you breathe a fucking word right now besides some kind of apology or heaven forbid you try to fucking excuse your behavior away I-"

Her words suddenly cut off when she heard a noise behind her, her ears perking as she glanced behind her and her gaze fell on the now familiar snow and shadow visage of Kavik. She could tell from the look he wore that even if he hadn't heard what she was saying to Alastor with her hushed, almost growled outs words that he could at least tell that something heated was happening between them. Her hackles settled with a slow sigh through her teeth and she glanced back to Alastor as she considered her next move. In all honesty she was more in the mood to rip something apart limb from limb—perhaps a particular pink thing—than she was in the mood to fuck her paramour, but at this point she didn't know how else to make Alastor understand what he was putting her through and how he was making her feel. She turned on her heel and walked away from Alastor with an angry flick of her tail, stalking across the short distance to where Kavik was waiting. Her paw lifted to his cheek, her leonine paw sliding to the back of his head as she pressed her lips to his, kissing him deeply and passionately with her tongue immediately finding his and letting the fury and betrayal she felt be the fuel for her vindictive moment of lust in full display of Alastor.

After a few lingering moments she slipped away, a slight smirk tugging at her lips as she looked up at Kavik before turning a bit to look back at Alastor. "Oh, you two probably haven't met yet, have you? I know you've been so busy lately," he said to Al, her scathing, sarcastic tone returning. "Alastor, this is Kavik. He's been kind enough to keep me entertained while you've had... other things to tend to." She stepped over to Kavik's side, leaning into him as she added, "Well, if you don't mind, I think I also have some things to tend to. It looks like you were just going to wash that wretched smell off of you anyway. Wouldn't want to hold you up."

"Manea Mendacium"