
The cardinal sin

Manea ♥



6 Years
Dire wolf
10-04-2022, 01:12 AM
Kavik was not a brute who enjoyed waking up early in the morning by any means. He much preferred laying in and getting a few extra hours of sleep when he could, but in his efforts to make himself more useful and available to win the affections of Manea, he had been forcing himself to get up and at least run a patrol or do a bit of fishing to help benefit her pack. Manly activities that if a certain violet fae were to catch glimpses of him performing might work to further fan the flames of desire he was trying to stoke within her. As icy blue eyes peered open to the encroaching morning sun, the arctic brute gave a groan and stretched his muscles out across his spacious fur bed. The dire wolf rose, gave his snowy coat a shake, and trudged out toward the mouth of his den. Time to begin another day.

When he reached the entrance to his private cave, however, the still groggy brute was surprised to find the Matriarch standing face-to-face with a black and red brute he hadn't met yet. From the looks of things, Manea seemed about ready to tear the other brute's throat out, her barely contained rage burning hot in her cold glare and her hackles raised, ready to strike. The man looked absolutely speechless, his overly fluffy tail sunk low to the ground and shock etched across his face. Kavik had not been able to hear the words Manea was snarling out to the wolf who appeared to be in a shitload of trouble, but there was little doubt that this was an unpleasant conversation between the two of them. Manea looked over to him, her enraged expression melting away like ice on a summer's day, and then with a parting glance to the black wolf, she turned and strode gracefully over to him. Before Kavik could get a single word out, Manea had brought one of her leonine paws up to cup his cheek and guide his mouth down to meet hers.

Kavik gave a small sound of surprise as Manea kissed him deeply and passionately, tasting her tongue as it sought his out between their mouths and wrestled with his. That sound soon became a delighted murr while he kissed her back, not sure where all this fiery passion had come from, but hell, he wasn't about to question it! Their lips parted after a few long, savoring moments, leaving Kavik pleasantly dazed and more than a little confused. The white brute grinned back down at Manea when she smirked up at him, his blue eyes smoldering with a lecherous fire for her stoked by her sudden advances. But Manea wasn't done, it seemed. She turned back to the black brute, making some scathing remarks about him being busy before introducing them. So this was Alastor, her husband!

Realizing he was getting caught up in the middle of some marital strife, Kavik's grin widened and he shot Alastor an all-too friendly smile, really twisting in the knife Manea had plunged into him by emphatically explaining how he'd been keeping her entertained and her bed warm in his stead. "Nice to finally meet you, Alastor. Manea has been a most hospitable host," he said to the shellshocked man, leaning back into Manea while she pressed her side to his. To add to his cheekiness, Kavik began to slowly brush his bushy tail up the back of Manea's thigh right in front of her husband, letting his feather fur tease at the edges of some very sensitive flesh beneath her tail. His eyes didn't leave Alastor's, blue piercing into black, practically daring the other brute to do something about the position he was being subjugated into.

"Kävik av Fjellen"