
The cardinal sin

Manea ♥


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-04-2022, 02:03 AM

Manea stopped dead in her tracks when she heard his words. Alastor knew he had said something that had fucked him over when he saw her hackles raise, the fur on her back bristling and standing on end. The vitriol in her furious gaze when she rounded on him, storming right up to his face with fangs bared, seething with a rage he had never seen in her before. Not even the battle with Sparrow had made her this angry. Alastor's flowing tail sunk low to the ground, his ears flicking back, but not fully folding to his broad skull yet. Abyssal black eyes searched Manea's aqua pools for any signs of the woman he knew, but there was nothing there but hate and malice towards him. She hissed her irate words to him through gritted teeth, her tone low and deadly. Yep, he had fucked up... Alastor bore the brunt of Manea's verbal onslaught of his character while she tore him asunder with her words, his expression flinching every so often beneath a particularly hateful remark, but still trying to remain impassive and measured. But when Manea began to spew venom towards Relm, then the Mendacium man could sit idle no more.

"She is not a whore, no more than your golden slut is," he snapped back on reflex, pointedly interjecting the hypocrisy of Manea's targeting of Relm when she had her own bitch on the side to play around with, and now some new guy he'd caught wind of through the grapevine too. "Say what you want about me, but you will leave Relm out of this. This is between us." Manea pressed on though, criticizing him for galavanting about as he pleased and putting his family second to his whims. This time, Alastor's eyes began to narrow back and his teeth began to show some from around the bottle still held in his jaws. How dare she accuse him of abandoning his family?! Yes, he had fucked up and disrespected her, but he had been nothing but a good, loyal, and loving father for their three children, always there when they needed him. He wanted so badly to cut in again, but Manea threatened him if he dared to breathe another word, but he didn't let her finish her threat. "You'll what? Kill me?" Alastor's black eyes flared with the challenge he issued, knowing Manea would never do such a thing and ultimately cripple herself in the process, as she could take no other mate after him.

The arguing wolves were abruptly interrupted by the sound of paws coming from the nearby cave. Alastor looked up with Manea to see a white brute shaded with splotches of pale gray watching them. Alastor had no idea who the fuck this was, but it was apparent Manea did by the way she turned and approached him. What happened next left Alastor stunned and speechless. Manea grabbed the stranger's muzzle and crushed her lips to his, kissing him with a deep and intense passion right before his eyes. Alastor's body froze, his mind going blank while he tried to process what he was witnessing. The other brute kissed her back, both wolves making soft sounds of enjoyment for the duration of their kiss, and when they parted Manea took her place at the stranger's side, leaning gently against him like a lover would. Black eyes shifted between the two as Manea introduced the dire brute as Kavik, the wolf who had been "keeping her entertained" while he'd been with Relm. So this was the boy toy he'd heard about. And just down the fucking path from their home?! Manea might as well have moved in him!

Manea's white paramour gave him a wide smile that made him want to slap the stupid grin right off his smug face and made some comment about Manea being a hospitable host to him. Alastor's lips peeled back to bare his fangs in a silent snarl, but Manea once again cut him off by dismissing him to go wash the smell of Relm off of him while she tended to some things with Kavik. Alastor was not a dumb brute by any means; he knew what was happening and what Manea was insinuating. For a brief moment, the dark dire considered what the consequences of committing violence against the two of them might be. Treason seemed like an executable offense, but maybe he could get away with just killing the white prick. Ah, but Manea was protecting him... He didn't think she'd ever cause him any real permanent harm or try to kill him, but in the state she was in, did he really want to take that chance? Besides, he knew he had no leg to stand on when he'd just spent the better part of the last week with Relm instead of Manea. He was stuck in a terrible catch-22 with no way out. Narrowed eyes glaring between his wife and her paramour, Alastor responded with a dark snarl and clenched his jaws so hard the bottle shattered in his mouth, sending a spray of glass shards everywhere. Shampoo and blood spilled from the dire brute's mouth, but he paid no mind to the sting of glass in his flesh nor coppery and chemically taste on his tongue as he turned and lumbered back off down the mountain path, not sure where he was going, but wanting nothing more than to be anywhere else but here.

- exit Alastor -


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
