
I Was Runnin' Far Away



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-05-2022, 08:10 AM

Immersed in watching Kuroki do all the heavy lifting, Celeste was in a lazy day haze. Content to sprawl across the sand, shaded by the tall palms around the oasis, she enjoyed watching the dire man work. Even if Ethyria's numbers were still small, she was pleased to know those who supported her were so willing to help. Soon they would have dens and storage areas for their future hunts and craft supplies. As she watched, she knew soon they would need some sort of cloth protection from the sun to prevent burns. Wondering if she could find someone that was good at crafting clothing, the Mistress was about to doze off when a call at her border caught her attention.

Her borders. What a concept! Lifting her petite frame from her bed of palm fronds, Celeste shook out the grains of sand before setting off. As she traveled at a quick pace toward the guest, she added a thought that it would probably be a good idea if she were to catch and train a bird of some sort to help keep an eye on the border. A feathered friend would be a lot faster than trusting her cat companion to report news back to her. Caught up in her thoughts about what to get for the pack and their new home, she was brought to a stop a few feet away when a pack scent hit her.

Turning her aquamarine gaze to the girl that stood along her borders, she let her head tilt slightly out of curiosity. Whose pack was this? Not one of the Empire's allies so who? Approaching at a slower pace, she nodded to the wolf as a small smile graced her ivory lips. "Greetings, miss. I am Mistress Celeste, leader of Ethyria. How can I be of assistance?" Her medium tone is casual and calm as her neatly braided and elongated tail sweeps the sand behind her.