
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 03:30 PM

That pitiful little nub where her tail had once been attached to her body was making a distracting jerking movement. Because of the lacking length Nibelheim couldn?t accurately tell what it was supposed to be conveying. Was she wagging? If so it looked awkward and she should stop because watching it was rather obscene in a way he couldn?t rightly explain. The ocher dog pushed the thought from his mind and settled in for what he assumed would be a few hours of watching over his ward. Whether or not she knew that he had staked his claim over her never even entered his mind nor was he worried about refusal. She had gone unharmed, she would eat his food. She was, for all intents and purposes, his now. Her consent was no longer required.

Another whisper of gratitude tickled his ears, her voice still unaccustomed to the speech pattern as it tried to relay words it had likely not spoken in some time. He didn?t mind it much, she would be stronger in his care given the time to recuperate and then he would see to his other plans. ?You are welcome.? The wolf chirped once more, husky notes floating with oiled serenity now that she seemed to allow her tension to gradually seep from her worn muscles.

She presented her crown to him as a means to acknowledge his gift, respectful but still so skittish of the perceived threat nearly a whiskers length away from her. What would this little creature do if he touched her?

Mischievously, inquisitively, Nibelheim waited for her to be engrossed in the process of consumption before he acted. The large wolf leaned his head forward and a flash of pink slid over the back of the female?s ear before disappearing. It was a gesture he knew to mean comfort, nothing amorous or untoward but likely a motion she wasn?t used to receiving given her present state. ?I clean you, yes?? He explained, as if that justified the action. It was meant as a question though. He had been taking note that her scruffy frame was in need of proper grooming ? or at least a cleanliness fitting to his standards. He would not be ridden with fleas because she was unclean.
