
Everyone's missing, but at least the scouts are back

Raid Meeting

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-05-2022, 07:10 PM
Calico Jack is planted firmly in dreamland when his mother’s call resounds through the pack land. Slowly, as if peeling back layer by layer, the pup raises up from the depths of sleep and slowly awakens. Bleary eyes blink open, looking around for the source of whatever had awoken him. Since the group had returned from their scouting mission, the small pup has been sleeping much more then usual. To be fair, it was a long walk and, even with Ignis, giving him a ride when he got tired, it was still exhausting.

A yawn splits his maw and Cal mumbles to himself about silly noises when another call rings out. His mom is calling a meeting and it sounds urgent. With a grumble, Jack rolls onto his belly and stands, giving his coat a good hard shake before stretching out the kinks of sleep. Slowly, the tired pup trots to the meeting area, spying his scouting leader and gives her a great, big grin. She is really cool and it worries the pup that she is so old. Will he have to say goodbye to Pyralis before he even really gets to know her?

Pushing the thoughts from his mind, Calico spies the fire-streaked form of his friend, Rivin and moves to sit next to her. Plopping his butt down, the pup easily slides down to his belly and lets out another yawn before saying, “Hey Rivin. How are you?” Icy blue gaze turns up to Artisan as Jack dips his head in greeting and adds, “Hey.” The fatigue he feels seeps into his words and, with that, he turns his attention to where his mother stands and settles his head on paws to watch the meeting.

"Calico Jack"