
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 04:09 PM

what have a done for your kindness?
Relaxation, that was a strange feeling that she could truly never get use to. Even now she was not in such a state to be called relaxed but it was the most comfortable she had been in long time. Even when she was in the cave like structure with a healer on her death bed she was not relaxed or even comfortable, instead she was always worried that ever breath she took would be her last. The funny thing about that situation was that she wished when she had closed her eyes that morning was she wished the man had not found her and healed her wounds just to be on her own again.

For a few seconds she stopped the satisfying crunching of the bird?s wing in her jaws, as if frozen in mid thought. She tried to shake the visions of her nightmares, the emotion of fear that her body was still soaked in. Again her poor excuse of a tail flickered, though not because it was trying to convey agitation but as if to sway like any other full lengthen appendage would do to convey gratitude. Though it quickly stopped its irritating movements when she realized just how the stranger seemed to focus on it?s twitching, filling her with an unfamiliar emotion of embarrassment. Her head lowered again, though this time to get most access of the leftover carcass that remained of the pheasant.

Once more she crunched on the bones, feeling just how fragile they were. More metallic liquid quenched her throat of a longing taste she had missed, bird was much more appetizing than the scaly fish she had a week or so ago. Though surely this creature was much harder to catch, again embarrassment clenched at her skin. She was eating something that the stranger had caught for himself, and now she was devouring it without a thought of the intention that could have came with such an acceptance. Her mind mocked her as she worried over the simplest of things, telling her to just accept whatever was needed after all she was being fed.

Her head jerked lightly at a new feeling of pressure, something she was not use to. The simplest of touches, something that to anyone that was raised normally would have thought of comfort but to her she simply froze. Her ears fell back against her skull once more as she dropped the remaining bones and feathers that she had been chewing on just because it was all that was left. Her eyes lifted only very slightly not to question him but just out of curiosity if this was something normal, her mother had been the only one to make such an action towards her but that was long ago before she was killed. His voice rang out, a question that seemed to justify his actions and she let her ears lift off of her skull if only slightly. Cleaning, a word only her mother used to justify that very action to her frightened child. "Y-yes." She whispered in almost disbelieve that he had even asked her permission, another custom she was never granted as a low ranked canine. It was then that she was struck about being a rather rude child, her mother had taught her better than to receive food before telling someone her name but the words would not form. She looked up very slightly apologetic to her rude actions, "I-" She choked once more, closing her eyes to muster the sound to come again no matter what pain it caused in her throat because of misuse. "M-my name's Ca-Cashmere." she finally spoke though still barely above the sound of a chiming whisper, she spoke the name her mother graced upon her.