
Steady Blaze [Pack Meeting]

Deadline 26th of September



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
10-06-2022, 12:32 AM

He had dozed off after finishing a lesson. He wasn't tired, but his mind certainly was! He didn't know about his brother or sister, but he wasn't really the type that liked to sit for lessons. He was more the get-up-and-go type! He wasn't asleep long before his sister's voice roused him, and then shortly after that, Tel's. Oh, shoot! A meeting!? It would be his first one! Heck yeah! He bounced to his paws and quickly shook off the sleep and bounded out. "Hi Tel!" He greeted as he raced past to try and catch up with his sister who was already ahead of him. "Hey wait up!" Clumsy large paws would nearly trip over themselves as he tried to keep up, Tel herding them along until they got to the meeting.

He had never seen so many wolves gathered in one place. And while it wasn't the whole of Valhalla just yet, it was still a lot for his little brain to pop off in wanting to find out who each and every one of them were! He had met a few of them already since the pack collectively took care of him and his siblings, but still! He bounded over to Aurielle, tail wagging a mile a minute as he was about to say something, but then he caught sight of Tal. Oh! He wanted to sit next to the horned horse!! He ran over to him then, bouncing up and down as he barked up at him. "Hey! Hey! Can I get on your back!?"

"Talk," 'Think.'