
How Fickle my Heart


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-06-2022, 06:32 PM
Balthier could look right through her, or at least in some way. The way she played off being a little startled, it was a general reaction of maybe not wanting to be embarrassed. He could see just the subtle look on her face as they met paws and he helped her out of the water. He knew what he was doing. It didn't make her odd in the slightest, and Balthier too just stayed with that friendly, intent grin on his maw. All of his attention seemed to be on her. "It's no problem." His voice ran out quiet, maybe a bit charming too.

His chin tilted a little again as she spoke of the sweetness in the caverns beyond the caves. And now that she mentioned it, he was sure that The Hallows had used some of the crystals in their wines. He had just never been here before. "I am familiar." His head dipped a little with a bigger smile as she called him kind which was a proud compliment to him. Aside from the last few seasons, he was raised to be so. Maybe not in a sense of royalty, but his father was a great man up until the point he left them. And there was a time Allegro was his biggest idol. He liked to think himself the way his father was before everything hit the fan, even if it was hidden behind some kind of faux character. It seemed he may have been following too closely in his pawsteps.

He was relatively responsive, but maybe Kiliaen could see he was much more on the quiet side of the spectrum. Maybe typical for a man, who knew. He gave thoughtful nods and hums to her, but otherwise didn't say much. He did want to keep up conversation with her though, and she seemed to help with that. "Home?" He questioned with the gentlest chuckle, "I grew up far east of the northern continent." Very far from here indeed. "I live just north of here in The Hallows now." He hummed a little again in another chuckle, "I did a bit of traveling for a couple months myself though, by raft rather than land." Now that he was in the mainlands of Auster opposed to the island of Fenmyre the raft was beached more than it was used. But it was also one of his past times to take it out on a night he didn't have a patrol. That way he could keep his drinking habits more to himself rather than inside the walls of the castle.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.