
Safe Haven

Asheila, Kane, Artorias



Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
10-06-2022, 07:26 PM

She was starting to notice more how her mother interacted with the man who was helping treat her wounds, but she didn't have enough mind or energy to think real hard about it and have an opinion of her own. There would be time for that once she got some good rest and probably the talk that would come after. Of course she didn't know of Resin's death, and everything after these moments would be the hardest for all of them.

She couldn't feel the stiches Kane sewed other than a strange pull and pressure on her skin. Instinctively she made a few sharp breaths as if a reaction to pain, but it wasn't there. She would have proved to be a tough girl had she not even had the sedative, and maybe she did seem that way now. She wouldn't think so, but maybe from her mother and the man healing her. There was a part of her that went back into the young days of her childhood as Tamsyn held her paw and pet over her head, but she could tell herself that she wasn't a child anymore. It was a comfort that she had missed in their time apart, but so much had happened since she was taken from Auster that she nearly forced herself to seclude herself from being even family anymore. It was a really strange feeling, and not one that would last. Because once she was truly safe here, stitched up and locked behind the castle doors could she finally pull together her return back into The Hallows and with what family she had left. When Kane was done with his work and Tamsyn gave her a relieved kiss on her cheek, Ash didn't fall straight into sleep but closed her eyes with a barely audible "Thank you." that her mother could have heard.
