
I Was Runnin' Far Away



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-06-2022, 10:31 PM

It took a moment for someone to answer her call, but not long. Only a short while later, a monochromatic fae appeared on the crest of the dunes- a mirage in her own likeness. Even surprisingly so, smaller than herself in stature. Cassiela portrayed a friendly interest as the other woman approached. Waiting patiently as they entered a more conversational distance. Feminine tones reached her over the hiss of sand sifting on a summer wind- which Cassi politely dipped her head. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mistress Celeste.” The ashen fae assured, carefully committing every detail she was offered to memory. Ethyria. Unique enough to be easily recalled. After a moment, she returned her attention to her requested audience, she moved to offer her own introduction. “My name is Cassiela Impératoria, and I’m a scout from Valhalla- a pack just a little way south of here.” Which was true enough. While she was still figuring out what she wanted to do, this is where her skillset lie.

After a brief pause to allow her first bit of information to sink in, she continued on to the purpose of this impromptu meet and greet. “I just wanted to introduce myself and my pack, as well as congratulate you on your territory claim. I come this way often, so if there is anything that I can personally be of assistance with, please let me know. I would be happy to help.” She finished dutifully, hoping to convey a sense of genuine interest. Of course, she meant what she said, but again, she also hoped to set a pleasant foundation for future dealings. Besides, she was certainly a woman of her word.