
not here for mere ferns

Healing Aw


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
10-07-2022, 05:21 PM
The two young wolves talk while allowing their beeswax to melt. When Seere asks if their talking will wake up Pocus, she watches as Acacius looks to where his friend is sleeping. A kind smile is offered to the tall boy as he looks to her, his ears slicking back as he speaks, emotions choking the words. Now it is the monochrome girl’s chance to blink in owlish surprise at her new friend, as she listens to him say nobody cared to ask before.

With a great snort of something akin to contempt, Seere says, “Well then you just haven’t met the right wolves Acacius. Everyone should be considerate enough to ask if others are comfortable. Even if we can’t see them.” She nods, showing her belief in the statement as determination blazes in her mismatched gaze. As she spoke, her face had taking on a stern countenance but it softens into compassion once she finishes.

A happy smile is offered as they continue to watch their beeswax, Seere scooting a little closer to the tall Acacius as she finds herself thoroughly enjoying his company. However, the move has another reason behind it as well, the young girl wants to keep her voice low so as not to disturb Pocus’s sleep. She invites them all to come visit her in Ashen and he accepts, which has a huge, bright smile bursting forth onto her features.

He speaks of not knowing how to swim and Seere waves a paw to dispel his worry, saying, “Oh you don’t have to swim! If you meet me at the shrine I can take you across the land bridges! But, uh, if you ever want to learn, I can teach you!” Mismatched eyes are bright with excitement as she looks to Acacius, thoughts churning as lays out plans for when visits. The female porcupine rattles her quills to draw their attentions back to their work and she offers their teacher a sheepish grin.

Carefully, she pulls the hot pot from the heat and places within reach. Following Acacius’s example, Seere scooping out several of the wintergreen leaves they had cut up and begins to sprinkle them into the beeswax. Casting glances to the tall boy to makes sure she is doing it right; the girl takes turns sprinkling and stirring until the concoction is finished. With great reluctance, Seere moves the finished salve away from her, ears slicking back in sadness as she looks to her new friend.

A sad, uncertain smile flits across her lips as she worries that this might be the last time she sees Acacius and his porcupine friends. However, she holds onto the promise of a visit and the smile warms immensely. Without hesitating, the small girl steps up to the tall Acacius and aims to throw her small legs at his chest. She is trying to hug him, while saying, “I look forward to seeing you again Acacius. Remember, go to the shrine and you won’t have to swim.” Releasing the hug, Seere steps back and beams a smile to them all and says, “I’ll see you all very soon! Please tell Pocus it was nice to him too when he wakes up.”

A serious nod is given before the smile reappears and she adds, “Be safe in your travels!” Then, with a happy wag and joyful bark, Seere trots off, delight making her steps light and bouncy as she goes.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.