
should be proud


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
10-07-2022, 11:24 PM

Venom accepts the invitation to go for a walk and Seere beams at her aunt, easily turning to guide them toward the beach. She sets the pace of a leisurely stroll as the two wolves meander their way away from the tunnels. As her aunt asks about the patrol, the happy girl looks over and up at her beautiful Empress (who just so happens to be the greatest aunt in the world too!) and gives her a bright grin, saying, “Oh yes, very good! Of course, nothing exciting happened and that is good too!”

Mismatched matched eyes sparkle with happiness and, as she speaks of nothing exciting happening, her smile grows even more. Seere is glad that nothing had tried to attack or anything but sometimes she can get a little… bored. Ah, but a peaceful life is a good life and the monochrome girl is thankful to know that her family is safe within these borders. When Venom speaks, the monochrome girl feels her ears flatten against her head in embarrassment, as she ducks her head a little.

The girl is just doing what the pack and her family needs! She sees no reason for praise but she is also extremely grateful for her aunt noticing. Paws kick up a little higher as Seere untucks her head, almost beginning to prance next to Venom as they walk. Then her aunt, the only other woman she really looks up in this world (besides her mom, of course), offers her the position of Apothaker. Pulling to a stop, emotions play across her face as she tries to figure out exactly how to properly voice her excitement.

Shouting might disturb others so she opts for a much subtler and just marginally less loud, “NO WAY! Really auntie Venom? I can be the Apothaker?! But but, my healing skills aren’t as good as Kitsune’s.” Excitement coils the muscles in her small body and Seere has to fight to keep herself from dancing around Venom in excitement. Still, the energy needs released and it comes out in the form of excited tapping of her paws as she dances in place.

Eyes are bright with joy and enthusiasm as her aunt explains about having Kitsune to help bridge any knowledge gaps. Then, Venom pauses and brings one of white gloved paws up to her small shoulder and offers her own encouragement. Mismatched gaze looks up to her aunt, determination blazing bright and deep as Seere simply says, “I accept.”

All the formality immediately melts away as her tail begins to wag in a pace so fast that it seems to be going around in circles and her smile is almost too big for her face. With great excitement and unable to hold back her joy anymore, Seere begins to bounce around as she says, “I’m going to be the best Apothaker auntie Venom! Just wait! I’ll do my very, very best!” The bouncing does not cease as the small girl bounds around her aunt.

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.