
Cracks in the Facade




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-08-2022, 12:14 AM

Deimos didn't move from his place on the furs within the main chamber of the den while he continued going about drowning out the voice of his sister with the wine that was currently clasped in his large paw. By the time that he saw Ikigai's pale, pristine from come around the corner and into their den he was over half way through the bottle and the warmth of it had begun to spread through his limbs, the fuzziness it gave settling over him and muddling his thoughts. It was a pleasant sensation that did at least accomplish what he wanted in dulling his thoughts to keep the repetitive nagging from continuing, but it did nothing to soothe his mood. If anything it only amplified it. He watched her as she moved to drop off a bag of supplies, the exhaustion clearly written on her features. What she could have possibly done to exhaust her so when she didn't fight or hunt was beyond him, but he never claimed to be the kind of understand intellectual pursuits. Regardless, he noticed the slight twitch in her expression when she noticed what he was drinking and the reluctance she seemed to have as she came over to lay beside him on the furs.

It made his ear flick and a slight twitch of a snarl tugged at his lip. She laid down silently with just a nod and immediately began to go to sleep without a word. He scoffed softly and took another long drink of his wine. "Nothing to say, princess?" he muttered as he sat the bottle down off to the side, sitting it on the stone floor of the cave with a clink. "I'm sure you had a long day of making me look like a fool, but you could at least acknowledge your mate when you come into our den." His voice held a slight growl as he spoke, his gaze narrowing a bit as he turned his gaze toward her. He reached out a heavy paw, wrapping it around her sides and pulling her close, easily handling and manipulating her smaller, lighter frame. She felt like she weighed nothing to him, even easier to move than the deer he had hunted, and he got to his paws with a slightly unsteady sway to pull her body underneath his own. He kept her belly to the furs while one foreleg wrapped tightly around her waist, settling his weight over her own as he pulled her hips back into his.

He growled against her ear, his claws digging into her hip roughly while his other paw held him above her slightly, digging into the fur with pent up frustration. "I gave you your gentle love making, I gave you a home, brought you into my family... And this is how you repay me—by making my sister compare me to you," he growled against her ear. He leaned back a bit then, that large paw finding the back of her head and shoving her down into the furs with more force than than he really intended to, holding her pinned to the bed while he kept her hips aloft against his own. In his current state he couldn't make himself care, his thoughts far off and distant as he used her delicate form however he wished. The first time he mated with her he had been entirely lost in her, giving her everything she could possibly desire to make her first time a positive one. This time, however, was far from that. He forced himself on her, joining them together as he used her flawless form for his own desires, feeling a sick sort of satisfaction for having a power and control over his own life for even the briefest of moments. She might have more sway and power within the context of the pack, but within these walls she would belong to him.

"Deimos Medacium"