



10-14-2013, 05:05 PM
Isardis Armada
The babe would allow herself to be tossed to the ground like the prisoner she so clearly realised she now was, and it would seem to be enough to reassure The King that she now knew her place, that she realised for running from reality all that time ago she had gotten what she deserved. He would knead at her scruff, pulling it backwards and forwards, until she would speak, sending his nose plunging into the crevice of her neck. What did she so blatantly refer to? She had done nothing to better her chances or to make his life easier, all she had done was caused more work than she was worth. Was she proud of that? Perhaps, and hell he couldn?t even blame her.

He would breathe so heavily into her flesh, reaching forward to push against her shoulder with a coral paw, to press her against the earth in a manner only the lowest would be treated. However it would last only a few moments, for all he needed to know was that she would submit to his control and accept her new position within the world, within his world. Of course, if she was going to cooperate with her new life then there was nothing to say she couldn?t rise from her poorly status in future, but she would have to earn it as anybody else did. He would remain pressed to her, however his jaws would release his grasp upon her nape, and ever so cautiously a salmon tongue would lap free, to roll from the corners of her lips and down to her shoulder blade- several times. ?You have a real leader now miss Liberty, no magpie to simply sway effortlessly by your side; here, leaders act as such. They hold a dominance that was well earned, and until you can rise to prove yourself, then they have every right to push their superiority upon you.? It was a light suggestion really, figuring she was worthy of an explanation. Glaciem could be her cloud nine or it could be her hell, it was entirely up to her.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia