
Singing the song that's inside us all

Claiming Fenmyre!


War Chief

Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-08-2022, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2022, 06:31 PM by Bellamy. Edited 2 times in total.)

Okay, so there was one small problem with looking for Saga. They had lost her trail and Bellamy didn’t have the foggiest idea where the pirates were actually located. Worry churned in her stomach. Every moment that passed she didn’t know where Saga was left her more in danger… and given they had been in the south that was already an alarm for her. By the Rio Grande, there had been water, somewhere for the cub to cool off… but where had Ignis taken her? The why seemed obvious enough to her. It was Ignis… and now doubt her scent had been on the cub’s coat. It was undoubtedly a stab at her. Bellamy wrinkled her nose as a light growl bubbled up from her chest. Dammit, Ignis. He couldn’t leave well enough alone she supposed. The woman had wanted their fighting to be over but it seemed clear there would be a war waged against them for the rest of their lives… possibly even passed down to their children.

Bellamy wouldn’t encourage her little ones to attack them first by any means… but defend themselves? By the Divinities' graces, they would be encouraged to defend themselves from those who wished to harm them. She just wished she had time to warn and train Saga before this had happened.

Bellamy’s search had led her to Auster where, to her surprise, she noticed something different. The fading pack scent of a pack that had been here when she last passed through the area. Tentatively she stepped over what had once been the boundary, deciding to risk exploring the situation further. Sure enough, after some time, it seemed that the dam had been abandoned. It didn’t seem like a bad land to make a home either… what had happened here, she wondered? It was a shame… but in its fall Bellamy saw her opportunity.

Maybe she didn’t need to challenge that dark-furred wolf with the glowing markings after all. She wasn’t sure if he’d forgive her attempts, but she made a mental note to attempt to visit his pack later. For now, Bellamy lifted her muzzle to the sky and let out a powerful howl.

She had discovered these fading lands…

…and being free of Avalon, she claimed them as her own.

Her pack would rise.


OOC: Permission to leave Avalon here!
Proof of her being removed in maintenance here!

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.