
I Was Runnin' Far Away



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-10-2022, 02:06 PM

It brought a sense of comfort when their conversation veered a little more toward something casual. As she was met with the warm glow from the monochromatic woman before her, she was happy to return it. Gently reclining to a sitting posture of her own in echo of Mistress Celeste. With her display of gratitude to Cassi's offer, the ashen fae offered a tight grin and an even nod. However, upon the request for information about Valhalla, she perked her ears to attention. "I'm a relatively new addition there myself. But I'm happy to share what I can." Cassiela responded in the pause that she was given.

It was difficult to try and speak for a group that had just taken her in but a season ago. She wasn't familiar with the long-winded history Ardyn had implied the family had here. But from her personal experiences and the observations she had made, she would do her best to share within reason. "From what I know to tell you, they are a quiet, tight-knit, honorable, and family-oriented lot." Cassi started. Doing her best to paint a picture of Valhalla with her words without overstepping boundaries. "I don't want to speak in generalized terms, one individual is not the same as another ... but as a whole, they stick to themselves and tend not to stray away from the plains- a little ways southeast of here. The Adravendi family is very generous." The impromptu delegate paused to allow her words to sink in before continuing. "If they can help someone in need, they will. They are quick to welcome guests, but also just as quick to defend their own." She finished, while nonchalantly trying to read as deeply as she could into Celeste's expression.  

After posting her own interpretation of Valhalla, she would bring up the next matter of business in their cordial exchange. "Is there anything you wish for me to describe Ethyria as to my Ard Rí when I introduce the knowledge of you to him?" She asked gently. Silently wondering if she was going to ask for Ardyn to come in person or if just a simple message would suffice.