
★ Cougar Attack

Random Weather Event



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

2 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
10-10-2022, 05:20 PM

He moves with them, silent but ever-watchful. Dread moves as a guardian, but lost in his own thoughts as well. High steps, nearly holding his breath as he moves. Would he ever be able to move as silently as the predators that he watched for? Maybe. Probably not, but whatever. He had to try, right? He had to try. Keen-eyed, doing his best to keep an eye out for his sister. Family over everything. Maybe, in his way, he keeps an eye out for his mother as well. Though he wouldn't realize it for a long while now, Dread feels compelled to be her keeper as well.

The fireflies. They catch Dread's attention, a momentary folly. They catch his attention, and in that moment, he loses sight of Vanta. Dread's heart pounds in his chest. Shit. He'd lost sight of both Vanta and mom in the thick fog. Shit. Again the thought comes. He will not quiver, he will not shake. He can hear his sister calling out for their mother into the darkness, and he moves in the direction of her voice. A growl. Shit. Long strides in the direction of the growl, there's no thought for himself now. "We're okay, it's a cougar," quiet words, Dread doing his best to sound brave. He moves swiftly to the pale girl's side, stretching, making himself appear as large as possible. Teeth gleaming in the low light, flashing as he bares them at the cat. Dread postures forward, a savage growl ripping from his chest. It would not be the cat's day.

Not at all.