
★ Follow the Fireflies

Random Weather Event



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (60)

3 Years
Extra large

10-10-2022, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2022, 05:37 PM by Malik. Edited 1 time in total.)

It wasn't all that often that Malik wandered off from his family and parents, but now that they were a year old and were allowed a bit more freedom he was starting to do that a little more often. He was up late, unable to sleep, so he went for a walk. Of course for the aspiring navigator a walk was never just a trip down the beach or through the woods. It usually brought him out to some unknown location so he could see the sights and explore. That brought him down toward some semi-near by caves. He didn't actually step foot into them yet, just squinting into the darkness and trying to see what was beyond the entrance, when a firefly floated past his vision and made him blink with surprise as he took a couple of steps back.

As he started looking around, his hazel gaze scanning the area, he started noticing more and more of the fireflies—except they were bright and multicolored in shades he had never seen fireflies be. He stared at them for a while in confusion and awe, trying to figure out where all these fireflies had come from and what would make them come in different colors like this, when he noticed some of them were starting to float into the cave he had been examining, almost as if they were forming a trail of small, glowing lights. This also pulled his attention to a kind of familiar figure that was standing at the mouth of the cave that he hadn't noticed before—the form of his half-brother Artorias seeming to have the same hesitation that he did. He walked over to Art to stand beside him, peering down into the bowls of the cave to watch the fireflies go. "Should we follow them?"

"Malik of the Sea"