
★ Cougar Attack

Random Weather Event


"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
10-10-2022, 05:42 PM

The startle of her brother's voice soft beside her ear made Vanta jump in alarm, having been unable to see him approach through the fog. "JUST A COUGAR?" Her shrill voice rang out a vast amount louder then Dread's soft words had been, and like the dinner bell had been rung, the cat leaped. Vanta - for the second time in her short life - made peace with her death in a shocky, beneath her breath repetitive mantra of 'we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!', turning tail and throwing herself to the side. Her paws aimed to shove both her siblings as she did so, the cougar leaping from the tree and taking the place she'd once stood with a growl.

Kite's arrival did little to lessen her panic, her young frame vibrating with fear as she shouted her reply. "Mom's vanished and we're all going to die!" She asserted to her sister, tears in her crystalline eyes. Vanta did not want her siblings to die, and if she ran... well, it would be the slowest of the pups to be eaten. What if that was her? What if it [i]wasn't/i] her? Swallowing hard, the pup squared up to meet the fierce cat - eyeing the glowing eyes through the fog. "You two should run!" The pup called to the others, not bothering to wait for a reply or confirmation or complaint before lunging into the fog to snap her jaws around the cat's thick wrist.
