The meal has a kick to it
10-10-2022, 08:20 PM
The deer lay between them as Kotori and Nuru discussed what to was be done with it. Nuru apparently only wanted the deer for meat so there was no need for a debate or compromise on who got what part of the deer. The wolf was willing to wait for his food, not rushing into their spoils, and even agreed to wait so Kotori could save more of the pelt. It was true that eating first would have ruined a bit but the horned wolf was well aware sometimes it was hard to wait on eating. Both Nuro and Kotori had helped kill it so a compromise was a thing that had to be considered. This was working out well.
Kotori’s bracers had a hidden knife in them and he twisted he worked his leg to bring out the knife. The wolf used his horns to help left up portions of the skin even as he lifted the bracer up to cut where he wanted to clearly get the rip in. Kotori was no master craftsman for it to be quick or have signs of a future artistic look, but he was able to practically get the job done with a bit of time. The wolf felt no need to master skinning, generally, others could do that part if he wanted perfection. Kotori preferred to practice the aspect of killing for offense and defense.
Once it was done he looked to Nuru, nodding, “Feast is on.”